Family Reunion♡

Yifeng immediately boarded a plane to china after receiving a call from His sister and hearing her painful sobbing .

His heart ached hearing her sobbing. He thought he will never visit china . After hearing that about his father he couldn't control himself.

After landing , He saw the familiar mansion where his childhood passed .

Where he was sent away from.

where he had so many childhood memories.

Seeing him all the servants were shocked and stopped working.

Without saying anything ,he went inside.

Su qianci never had a brother or cousin brother. She was the only child of her parents.

But Her current body owner has a brother ,who loved and cared for her.

Despite being wronged in his past ,he still came back hastily hearing the news. The body owner 's emotion were making her weak.

Seeing him , tears welled in her eyes and without knowning she started sobbing.

Yifeng , who was greeted by her sister loving smile after entering was shocked seeing her cry again.

He previously planned to ignore her and throw tantrum to ease his heart. But seeing her cry ,his heart ached painfully.

Leaving his luggage , he ran and hugged her tightly .

" Feifei , What happenned.Why are you crying ? " He spoked he a gentle voice carresing her head softly.

But that made her cry more . Yifeng was trying her best to console her.

" Feifei ,stop crying or else I will also cry too " He spoke gently and had tears in his eyes too.

Hearing him , She giggled softly and parted away. Yifeng sighed in relief.

Song Xiu , who had tears too ,wiped them looking around and returned to his expressionless face.

" Gege ,I missed you " Yifei hugged him tightly.

Hearing her ,Yifeng felt his heart melt in puddles .He carressed her hair gently.

" I missed you too " He spoke after somerime with a smile .He couldn't remain angry with his family for long .

After settling their emotion , they sat on the sofa having a serious talk.

Yifei doesn't want to conceal anything fron him. Thus she told him about their uncle plan , Liu ye's poisioned , and company's bankruptsy.

" How could he ? " Yifeng was angry after hearing everything.

" The case of you stealing the company's secreat documents and selling them to the rival was also planned by them " Song xiu spoke with confidence.

Yifeng was red with angry. Such a vile moster.!

" How is dad ? " Yifeng spoke with a cough.

His relationship with him strained after that incident .

" He is fine . Grandpa bai took him for the checkup " Yifei answered observing him.

" Good "

" So what is the plan? " Yifeng asked to disperse the awkward atmosphere.

Yifei told him about the plan. Of acquiring the shares to saving the company .

Yifeng remained silent and observed his sister. He thought she totally changed. She was never interested in business but now giving brilliant business plans.

Although he was happy that she changed to her mischiveous and playful self but something changed within her.

The aura aroung her changed. When he talked about the business and asked her about the plans , her aura changed into a serious businesswoman . She looked liked a queen and a boss.

Nevertheless ,Yifeng was happy seeing her sister strong and smiling.

" Yifei , Who came.... " The voice stopped spotting Yifeng sitting in the living room.

Liu ye discarded and quit his hope for seeing his son again .

But now seeing him smiling and talking infront of him made him emotional but he controlled his tears.

Grandpa bai had tears seeing him again and wenr to hug him.

Yifeng , sat stiff hearing the familiar voice.

He turned to look at the owner of the voice when he was engulfed in a tight hug.

" Grandpa bai , I can't breath " He chuckled.

Yifei and Song Xiu too smiled .

Grandpa bai was too happy to hear him and hugged him and after sometime he backed.

Seeing his father standing and looking at him with moist eyes , his heart ached.

" Dad ! How are you " He asked going and hugging him.

Liu Ye , who was controlling his tears , burst crying hearing him call him again.

Yifeng was surprised hearing his father cry and soon his eyes moistioned too.

After few moments.....

" How are you dad ? " Yifeng asked with a smile.

" I am fine . How are you ? " Liu ye asked with concern.

" I am fine " Yifeng answered him.

Only two of them were there. Song Xiu was assigned some work by Yifei so he left .

Yifei and grandpa bai were busy cooking dinner in the kitchen.

After a moment of silence Liu ye spoked again.

" Yifeng , I am sorry for not defending you back then. I - I am very sorry for being a bad dad " Liu ye apologize with a sad tone.

" Dad ! I am sorry too for leaving you and feifei alone " Yifeng said in a sorrowful tone.

Like that, they patched up everything.

Liu ye and Yifeng stomach grumbled smelling the delicious smell from the kitchen.

When yifei told that she will cook , yifeng was more than shocked. His sister couldn't even brew tea was going to cook! .

But when Liu ye too praised her cooking skills , he was surprised.