The Monthly Shareholder Meeting

Liu Yifei walked downstairs after getting ready. The maid who poisoned her father had already been punished and the main instigator behind the poisoning—her Uncle, Liu Peiqi would also remain quiet for few days after his planning failed , thus she doesn't had to cook the breakfast now.

But to be still sure, Grandpa Bai would be making the breakfast.

When she got downstairs , she saw her father Liu Ye eating his breakfast while chatting with Grandpa Bai , while her brother Liu Yifeng had a lazy unkempt look on his face as he ate his breakfast occasionally giving his opinions between their conversation.

" Good morning Dad...Good morning Grandpa Bai... Good Morning Brother! "

Liu Yifei greeted with a smile as she took her seat. The maid immediately served her breakfast before retreating to the kitchen.

Liu Ye nodded with a loving smile. Grandpa Bai too looked at the beautiful young girl and nodded with a smile.

" Wow! look like a CEO today. Just do your best okay, I already asked Song Xiu to protect you. Don't get nervous...Ok! " Liu Yifeng complimented her sister who did looked like a cute little CEO in order to encourage her.

He was very nervous because of her sister that he didn't sleep a blink last night; the evidences could be clearly seen on his sunken face and black circles.

He knew that how cruel the business world is! He wanted to go in place of his sister but he couldn't do it .

As he looked more at her young adorable face , he felt more reluctant to allow her to go to the company and hold the shareholders meeting . He felt that those crafty old men will chew his sister alive. His Uncle was also there , who will absolutely make problems for his sister.

Liu Yifei felt funny looking at Yifeng nervous face but also felt warm hearing his concerning words. In her previous life , she had no siblings thus didn't the feeling to have a sibling but now that she got an older brother , she was very happy.

Liu Ye also remembered that his loving daughter was going to hold the shareholder meeting , he also got concerned.

" I have good relations with Old Fan. I had already talked to him. Don't worry Fei'er , he will help you. "

Liu Yifei smiled at both his father and brother and nodded her head but was laughing inwardly. Who could have the guts to go against her? Hmph!....those who dare will surely die!

" Thank You Dad...Don't worry Brother. " Liu Yifei placated both of them.

The whole breakfast was full of advices and tips from Liu Ye and Liu Yifeng. Although Grandpa Bai didn't had any knowledge of business but he too told her to take care of her health and also packed a loving bento with healthy lunch for her as he got to know that she will be in the company for the entire day.

Initially she refused to take the lunch box as it was too childish but Grandpa Bai ordered her saying, " Homemade food is healthy and I 'm made it after waking up before the sun rise. "

To seal the deal , he added a pout too.

In her previous life , she only had one person— her father who cared for her but now she had so many people. She felt very warm and fuzzy.


In Lu Corporation

Lu jinting was sitting straight in a perfect posture in his office as he looked focused signing the documents in front of him.

His face as usual was blank but today it was more colder around him. His brows were knitted tightly as his signature were too deep almost tearing the paper.

It was obvious that he was distracted and very angry too. Xu Zheng , his head Assistant really wanted to kill Liu Yifei because his boss had this dark look from the moment he picked him up from Liu Mansion and only Liu Yifei had the ability now to change his boss emotions.

" Boss! , Madam is going to hold the monthly shareholder meeting as a temporary CEO today. Should I send someone to back her Up?. "

Lu Jinting stopped for a moment hearing his words but without a change in his expression he once again continued doing his work.

Xu Zheng had a drenched back but he stood straight looking stoic but infact he was crying inwardly. His boss had asked him to report him Liu Yifei everyday schedule but now that he was reporting him about that , he still had to suffer so much.

" No need! What does I mean to her? What relationship do we have? Don't talk about her!Do you get it? "

Lu Jinting spoke as he glared at his assistant. He still remember the words spoken by her last night. He knew that it was his fault for not treating her previously with love but that was because their marriage was an agreement. He did treated her with respect though. He didn't visited her more frequently after their marriage to give her some space and also to avoid awkwardness. It was true he didn't love her not previously neither now. He also knew that he was interested in her now, not in love with her.

And it was also true that he wanted to make their marriage successful as he was interested in her and it was very rare for him to be show the romance kind of interest towards a person.

He sighed as he remembered how his mother treated her and Liu family. He knew that his mother was wrong in this case and Liu Yifei reaction , the previous night was understandable knowing how badly his ignorance and his mother arrogance might have hurt her. He pinched the area between his brows and squinted his eyes. Heaving a loud sigh , he planned to take it slow with her and slowly fall in love with her and also make her fall in love with him .

Xu Zheng after hearing his boss complains , stood quietly and hummed a loud " OKAY! "

As Xu Zheng was halfway , going out of office after reporting everything , Lu Jinting stopped him.

Lu jinting looked at the confusion laced on his assistant face and coughed to dispel the awkwardness . His ears turned visibly red as he remembered his weird words he spoke previously.

But thank the Almighty that the dense Xu Zheng didn't notice it or else he could die laughing.

" I-I...I mean...Don't be high profile and no need to interfere in her work just look out for her if the scene become chaotic. "

Ordering that Lu Jinting immediately started getting busy to distract himself . Xu Zheng nodded his head sub consciously, too distracted by his boss weird behaviour but nevertheless completed his boss orders.