Leo chuckles and closes his phone. "At least we will have a clean place when we arrive. That kid is a riot."
"Threatening the kid. You are a bit savage, Leo." Cindy stands at the door.
Kitty giggled, "I'm sure that it was just an idle threat. Also, that is just another way to show his love for the kid. I am looking forward to meeting Luke. He seems to have a deep admiration for you." She gets up and picks up her shoes.
"Let me, love." He takes her shoes and when she sits down her helps her put them on. He holds his hand out for her to hold on to when she stands up. "Don't worry, Cindy. I won't cut his allowance if he actually has the place cleaned up. There are rules that he has to follow and that is a fact and he knows how this works. I may come off as savage but remember that he is a werewolf and they are normally pack orientated. I am his alpha in an odd way but that is how it works. This really is going to be interesting."
Kitty takes his hand and stands up, "that is also very true. Werewolves are used to being in packs and the alpha is the leader." She lightly hits her open palm with her fist. "Pack mentality is important. I didn't think about that when you first told me the story of Luke." She transforms and walks to the door. "Let's get going I want to finish the traveling. I am more excited to meet the other family member. Our family is slowly growing." She opens the door smiling.
Cindy shakes her head. "I just can't understand how you can shift gears so quickly. It's like nothing can stand in your way, Kitty." She follows Kitty out of the room.
Leo follows the two out of the room. "That is a very true statement. The family is growing at a rapid rate. First, it was just me and Luke and now I am adding Kitty and a baby. Cindy, did you return the key for your room yet? If not I can do that. Then we can take off and get to our new living place."
Cindy hands the key to Leo. "Thank you, Leo. I was not sure if I should be the one to return the key or if you should be the one to return it so I just held on to it." She walks to the van and holds open the door for Kitty.
"I swear between the two of you I will not have anything to do!" She giggles and gets into the van. "Cindy, the baby and I are perfectly fine. You can head to the truck and be safe for the rest of the drive." She gets comfy in the back seat of the van.
Leo took the key and went to the front desk and handed both sets of keys to Jere. "See you next time." He turns to walk out and gives a little wave then leaves the building and heads to the drivers' side of the van.
"I know that we worry too much but that is part of my job. I will see you in five or so hours." Cindy closes the door and heads to the truck. 'She knows that I can't help but worry and yet doesn't want anyone to fuss over her. How did we get such a strong leader?' She gets into the truck and waits for Leo to start the van, so she could follow behind them.
Leo opens the door, gets in and starts the van up. He pulls out and starts to drive away from the motel. "Thank you, for understanding with Luke. I'm am interested in how the meeting will go. I do not have a lot of knowledge on how a werewolf will react to meeting a different supernatural being."
Kitty starts watching him in the mirror. "I don't think anything bad will happen." Her transformation reverses. "I do not think that there will be an issue but to be on the safe side, it would be best that I come out in my natural state. The full moon is coming soon as well. How much control does he have of his transformations? I imagine he looks human most of the time."
He looks at the road only glancing at her in the mirror when it is safe to do so. "I will trust you to do what you feel is safe. I will trust your judgement on the matter. He has gained a lot of control but there are times when he can't control it very well. If the full moon is going to be soon, then he will have a hard time. I guess if you show yourself in your natural state then he will know that there is nothing to hide from you. I don't know how else I can help him. I gave him all the information I had but there are some things that I couldn't find out."
'I see how this is. I think I know what he is referring to. The full transformation process I hear can be quite painful. I wonder if it is something I should talk to Luke and find out where he is on the scale.' She watches her love driving and slowly, she nods off.
Leo checks on her quickly and sees that she had fallen asleep. 'That really is for the best. She slept well last night but she can use all the sleep that she can get. I'll wake her up before we arrive.'
It was another peaceful drive. Kitty woke up after four and a half hours. She looks up at Leo, "Darling, how close are we?"
Leo looks up in the rearview mirror. "We have already passed through the main gate. We will arrive at the front of the building in about ten minutes. Did you rest well?"
"I slept well. I am glad that I woke up before we made it to the house." She looks out the windows. "There are a lot of trees in the area. That is a good environment for a werewolf. I can see why you decided to raise him here."
Back at the house, Luke senses two vehicles approaching the house. 'They are finally almost here. I should head out and greet them.' He walks to the door and sits down on the steps. 'I wonder what kind of surprises he has for me? It's not like him to make rash decisions. There has to be a reason he is bringing his girl here specifically.'
Leo pulls up to the front of the building and stops the van and steps out. He walks around the van and opens the door that is closest to Luke. "We are here, love."
Kitty steps out and looks at Luke. Luke had short black hair, amber colored eyes, He was wearing a hoodie and was almost as tall as herself. She walks over to Luke. 'He really is a werewolf. He has some distinct features that make him a pureblood.'
Luke stares at the girl walking over to him. "You're not a normal human!?" He stands up and rushes over to Kitty. He looks at her ears and tail. "You aren't the same as me. You smell different….what are you?" His black ears and tail pop out over his excitement.
"We are not the same but we are close. I am a fox demon and you are a werewolf. You have lost control of your emotions and now your ears and tail have come out." She states and smiles. "My name is Kitty, Luke. It is good to finally meet you." She holds out her hand to shake his.
Luke stops moving around her and takes her hand. "I'm so glad to meet someone who is even slightly like myself. Are you the one Leo is dating?" He then realizes that she is pregnant. "Wait a second. Leo, what is going on?"
Leo comes over and stands behind Kitty. "It is my child. So you will be a big brother. I want you to take care of Kitty and the baby. Also, Cindy is going to be here helping out as well. Cindy is another fox demon."
Kitty heard his true name when they shook hands. 'Lavatis, yes that is a really good true name for him.' She smiles, "Luke your parents gave you a wonderful true name. No true blood supernatural can hide their name from me. It is a special power that only I have. I will tell Leo once he is one of us and in turn, I will tell you his given true name."