52 Joyous Bundle

Luke is surprised to hear his true name spoken out loud so, his body freezes. "I know that you had said that you knew my true name but I honestly thought that maybe you were lying. I haven't been called Lavatis since I was five years old. I've had partial transformations. Each one slightly more progressed then the last time." He turns and looks at Kitty. "I believe that I am about three-quarters of the way through the transformation."

Kitty stops and turns to look at Luke. "Do not worry your name is safe with me. Partial transformations are a good sign. It gets your body prepared for when the full transformation takes place. Depending on how I am feeling I may come out with you and see how far you have progressed. That is only if you are okay with that. I will not overstep into your territory if you do not want the company."