90 Other Clans

"I am just fine. It is just that is exactly something that Julie would say but with a hidden meaning that they failed in the conquest of finding the clan leader. Lavatis is a beautiful black wolf. His fur matches his hair color. I am glad that you completed the change. Leo, when I said that I found my godson I was talking about Luke. I became his godmother when he was a baby. His parents mentioned it to him when he was old enough to remember. I met his parents when I was meeting the clan head, the were his betas. Which makes Luke perfect to become the beta to the next alpha." Kitty smiles as she says this.

"You already know that I was going to ask that Kitsune but I do not want Luke to feel any pressure in becoming my beta as he sees Leo as his alpha and you are his alpha's mate. You can not tell me that you didn't notice that was the case….can you?" Carlos starts to grab food but places it in front of Cindy before serving himself some food.