166 First Meeting (2)

"No more hunts!! Outrageous. I will not let you get away with that Leo!" Valdis seethed with anger. 

 Leo waited for the small booklets to be handed out. "I will give you all a moment to read this over and then you will understand why I will not allow Valdis to go on anymore hunts." Leo heard the pages being flipped he drank some of the water from his water bottle that was sitting in front of his laptop. He could hear the murmuring of discussions going on. Once he noticed that people were done reading he pulled out the second stack with pictures included and had Asurlon hand them out. 

Barry was the first one to finish reading. "You are a disgrace to all of us hunters! I do not even want to think that I worked with someone like you before. If we are voting to strip you of your rights I will not help you!" Berry had read the report of the town that the Advocate came from and then town was attacked by Valdis and his chemical that he had created.