216 Good Behaviour Treats

"If you are ready to leave, then I am as well. I would like to eat some food. Do you know what type of table we will have?" Luke started making his way to the checkout area.

"Can Tiana hold her alpaca? It is so cute an soft an fluffy and mine!" She jumped and followed beside Kitty. "Tiana is hungry. Her tummy is rumbling."

"We have a private booth. So you will be able to eat to your heart's content. Stella can come in with us and you can eat her portion of food." Kitty picked up the plushie as Luke walked past and then handed it to Tiana. "There you go. So remember that you know have enough toys and coloring books. Also, when you color you are not allowed to color on the walls but if you ask Big Brother and Mommy we might be able to paint your walls but it all depends on if you behave, okay?"