286 New Circle on the Map

Riccardo snapped out of it and got up hastily, "It was good to see you again, girl. I will eagerly await a favorable reply Leo.~" Riccardo gets dragged out by Liz who gave a look of apology to Kitty.

Kitty let out her breath and lifted Charlette up and handed her to Luke. "Thank you for all your help, Luke. Lunch should be ready soon so go and get the others and Charlette can sit in the cradle while we eat." 

Luke took Charlette and left the room. He took her to the living room and sat her down in the cradle. "Mother has requested the Charlette stays in the cradle while we eat lunch."

"Well I was not expecting Riccardo to be such a character but Liz is right, it would be hard to find someone that matches you as well as I do. Do you want me to do this with you?" Leo moved a strand of hair off her face and behind her ear.