418 Trying on the Dress for the Commercial

Oh, I did not think about that. That would be amazing Carlos. You are seriously a world-class chef." Liz sighs and smiles, "we are ready to begin when you are."

Kitty finishes off the food that was on her plate. She stands up and looks at Liz motioning for her to lead the way. "Normally we would be going over what we would be saying for the commercial at this point in time but you haven't even given me a script and also you have not even done a costume check!" Kitty looks at Liz.

"Okay here is the deal. I need to get the photoshoot pictures down by this evening and yes I know that the commercial has not been gone through anything. I know that you have the skills to do this the way it was meant to be. I trust you." Liz turned and smiled at Kitty. "Katherine, the main reason you haven't had an outfit check is because the dress was beyond repair. I am sorry for not telling you the truth but even Michelle looked at it and said it was beyond repair."