~No problem. If I didn't know any better I wouldn't understand everything that is going on but since I am, I noticed the vibes between them.~ Leo smirked and looked at the guys in the room. "Come on you know that I had to connect to Kitty." 

"Don't worry I was in the conversation as well. We were talking about my fool of a Son. He is too kind-hearted and that is why he refuses to take back his powers." Cedric blows the smoke to the ceiling, "but that is for another time. Right now we need to celebrate the fact that Kitsune chose a mate, and it is one that is strong." 

Leo laughs and looks at Cedric, "I do not think t6hat it is a big deal but now that I have learned so much over the last few months I have come to the conclusion that it is an insanely big deal."