

After collecting our uniforms and changing into them, all trainees are instructed to assemble in the assembly hall. I look around. Hmm, I don't see a lot of girls here, just a handful.

Trainee 1: Hey, have you heard? 5 of the 8 female trainees that made it here are frauds?

Trainee 2: For real?! I guess these women are good for nothing after all.

Trainee 1: Pfft.

Hey, what's with these sexist people?! But the thing they said about the female trainees, 8 female trainees are in our batch and if the rumour is true then, only 3 of us are fair in the game?

Also, considering that comment from the instructor earlier, I don't think I'm too qualified to be a trainee here; I was even cornered by others at the gate. I'm not one of the fraud entries, am I?! It's impossible, I didn't even write my own resume!

My supervisor did that for me and submitted it because he wanted to make sure that I don't miss anything out (since I'm so clumsy at times).... But he was really looking forward to seeing me enroll in this academy.

Did he do something he shouldn't have to help me? No, he's a very honest person, he would never.... 'He would never do such a thing' is what I want to say but, I'm not so sure anymore.

???: Trainees, please pay attention.

An austre voice from the stage interrupts my thoughts. All the chatter in the room dies down. I look to over to find the rude instructor from before.

Eric: I'm Senior Instructor Eric Foster, you all will address me as Instructor Foster. All trainees that are aces according to their exams and previous cases will be divided in groups of seven, into teams A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I. I will be in charge of team A. The others who aren't on the list, will be in Team J.

If I recall correctly, the teams are; Team A- Ace (the smartest).

Team B- Bulldog Team (it has the strongest trainees).

Team C- Criminal Investigation (the most observant and philosophical).

Team D- Dagger (it has the most precise snipers).

Team E- Eagle (they have a gift of sharp eyesight and prediction).

Team F- Falcon (the swiftest in their tasks).

Team G- Griffin (they are not only strong but also crafty).

Team H- Hunter (they excel in playing the part of the scene while still being ready to attack at all times).

Team I- Intel (they handle the technology back at the base and send the other teams information or backup when required).

As far as the Team J goes, they are the Jaguar team who blend in with the crowd and serve as informants, but rumour has it that they're just a bunch of 'J'ackasses.

I really hope that I don't get thrown in Team J! Instructor Foster starts allotting the teams but, I don't get called out. Uh oh, it's Team I now! I'm not very good at tech so there are very high chances of-

Eric: As for Team J, there's Ryan Lawrence, Jake Locke, Marques Blanc, Momo Xia or Xia Momo... Which one is it?

He looks up searching for her. Ah, it's that Chinese girl with short hair, she's dressed in such a way that I almost thought that she was a guy.

Momo: Anything's fine.

She says in a bored tone. She's being put in the Jackass team? She looks so capable though.

Eric: Well then, Momo Xia, Hanley White, Kwan Son and... Ciara Sue.


He looks up and stares at me with a smirk. Eh?! How did he know my name and where I was standing?! Moreover, that smirk doesn't sit well with me, is he plotting something?... Or is he just humiliating me for what I said earlier?

Eric: Oh, and Sue, do something about your hair.

Ciara: What?

All the eyes turn to me and I start to feel nervous. Does he mean that my hair is too long? It's a few inches lower than my shoulders. Yeah, this could be a problem during training. I'm about to say something when he continues...

Eric: The receptionist will hand you bag of supplies to make your hair grow faster.

All Trainees: What?!


I'm lost for words. He wants me to do what now?! Grow my hair?! Why would anyone make such a suggestion?! This not a fashion show mister! It's a training academy! You should know that best of all people! This is ridiculous! I stand there gaping at him as he walks down the stage.....