
His Help

Kwan: You look like a zombie.

Jake: No kidding.

Ciara: Shut up.

I heave a sigh with mixed feelings and flop down on the chair. We've all gathered in Marques' room again and are discussing my punishment.

Kwan: Don't you think that he went very hard on you?

Ryan: You're right, even the ones who messed up really bad didn't get punished like that.

Hanley: Maybe it's because of that comment from Instructor Foster on our first day...?

Marques: I'm confused, why do you all have to crowd up in my room again?

Kwan: 'Cause you're a loner.

Marques:.. I wish I'd stolen that practice gun.

Hahh, both of them are bickering again. I ain't got time for this right now.

Ciara: What lectures did I miss?

Hanley: You still want to study?

Ciara: Yeah, well Doris said if I can get at least 90% in my midterms, I'd graduate easily.

Jake: That wouldn't be so easy. I can't even remember when I last heard someone getting that much in the NDIA first year.

Ryan: But, if you are capable, you can nail it.

Ciara: Hence, I need someone to tell me what lectures I missed.

Momo: There was eavesdropping, acting, martial arts and gym.

Momo who had been off on her phone for the most part, speaks up.

Ciara: Ah, thanks.

I think I can manage to catch up with eavesdropping and acting but, martial arts and gym will be a tough task.

Kwan: Hey, don't make that face. You worked pretty hard today, it's okay if you go easy on the physical activities, for now at least; it's already dusk.


Maybe he's right. It's almost 7 o'clock and I barely have any energy left. I sigh then...


Ciara: Ow! What the hell?!

Marques suddenly throws a sports drink bottle at me and it hits my head. I manage to catch it before it falls and glare at him.

Marques: Drink this and meet me in the gym in 15 minutes.

Ciara: What? Why?

Marques: You're not slacking off on my watch.


He gets up and heads for the door.

Ryan: What do you mean by that? Can't you see that she's tired?

Marques: 15 minutes of rest should be enough.

Hanley: She's a woman! She's not as rough and tough as you!

He stops and turns his head and looks expressionlessly at Hanley.

Marques: If she can't handle the pressure, she shouldn't be here.


Jake: How ca-

Ciara: Wait.


I stand up and everyone except for Marques looks at me in surprise. He's right, I'm here for a purpose and I can't do enough to accomplish it, I shouldn't have come here in the first place.

Ciara: I'll meet you down at the gym in 15.

He looks at me for a moment and then leaves the room. Dad, Mom, Ron... I won't disappoint you. I head to my room and take a quick shower, change into my gym wear and drain down the drink Marques gave me down my throat.

I walk down the stairs and am about to turn around a corner but freeze. I hear noises coming from the place I'm heading to.

Trainee 1: Heh, did you hear about that female trainee from the Jackass Team?

Trainee 2: Pfft, who didn't. She couldn't even shoot a target. That team truly loves up to its name.

Trainee 3: They're all useless misfits, why're they still here?

Trainee 4: That woman really stands out, huh. All the instructors pick on her.

Trainee 5: She must be a fraud. They'll throw her out soon.

I ball my trembling fists. They're talking about me. They're criticizing the whole team because of my failure. I knew that Team J has always had a bad reputation but, this is no excuse to insult us like that!

I want to face them and give them a piece of mind but, my legs are planted on the floor. What am I going to tell them? They're demeaning my team because I made a mistake; I'll sound like a hypocrite if I argue with them. Though I feel wronged, there's nothing I can do about it.

I lean against the wall and sigh.

???: You've got an awful lot of time if you're gossiping here.


That voice! I poke my head out slightly, careful so as to not let them see me and look over at them again. Marques is standing at a little distance from them with his arms crossed, his half sleeve t-shirt showing off his muscular arms.

Huh, he's like, more than one foot taller than those badmouthed jerks.

Trainee 6: What's your problem?

Trainee 7: Heh, aren't you one of the Jackass' too?

Uh-oh, they're going to gang up on him! Wait a minute, this is the 3rd floor and they're standing towards the right side of the stairs... That's where the Team E stays!

Based on my impression of Marques and their team, he is much stronger than them... I think. It should not be a problem, right?

Even as I think this, I still feel a little uneasy. Should I go back him up or something? As I'm debating on what I should do, Marques opens his mouth again.

Marques: If you think we're useless, why waste time talking about us? Y'know, back-bitching about people just proves how envious you are of them.


He smirks confidently. Dayyymn, he looks so hot right now, I just want to pounce on him..... Wait, what?! Did I really think about doing something so shameless as that?! Lord, what's wrong with me?!

I quickly shake my head to get the thought out of my mind.

Team E:... You're lame.

They throw uninterested glances at him and go back to their rooms. He got rid of them so quickly! I guess this changes my impression of him a little.

Marques: You're not fooling anyone hiding so poorly over there.


He knew that I was here the entire time?! Well, this is embarrassing. I slowly walk over to him.

Ciara:.... Yo!



Ciara: Ow! Will you stop hitting me?!

Marques looks at me angrily and flicks my forehead. I rub it trying to ease the pain.

Marques: You're a total of 7 minutes late.

Ciara: You hit me because of that?!

Marques: Do you want to argue or complete your training?

Ciara:...The latter.

Marques: Good.

He starts walking down the stairs and I follow after him, still pouting. Oh, I almost forgot!

Ciara: Thanks for what you did back there.

He turns his head around to look at me and then looks back ahead.

Marques:... I didn't do it for you.

Ciara: Huh?

Then why?

Marques: They're insulting me if they're disrespecting my team.

Ciara:.. I see.

So he did it for the whole team, huh. I don't know why but, I feel a little disappointed. It's probably nothing though. However... I recall the scene I saw a moment ago. I'd never thought about doing something like with anyone ever. Why him?

We reach down to the gym and Marques instructs me in accordance with what was taught to them in the academy today.

1 hour later...

Ciara:.... It's DEAD!! My arm is dead! I can't even feel it!!

I shut my eyes and whine.

Marques:... That's my arm you're squeezing.

Ciara: Huh? Sorry!

I let go of his arm and take my free arm in my hand instead.

Ciara: This, I can feel.... But, it's DEAD!! My arm's dead!

I start whining again and heaves an irritated sigh, sitting beside me.

Marques: Ugh, I can't take anymore of this.


He takes my arm and starts massaging my bicep.

Marques: You're getting cramps because there's not enough blood circulation happening here; there's lactic acid accumulation.

Ciara: Wait, 'lactic acid'? Isn't that supposed to be in milk? What's it doing in my arm?

Marques:... Did you even go to school?

Ciara: I did but it's not like I remember anything.

Marques:.... You're an idiot.

His words hit me like an arrow. He didn't have rub it in..! His massaging is a real treat though. He squeezes one spot and I don't know how to describe what I felt but I said my thoughts out loud.

Ciara: Ahh, that feels so good. You certainly know your way with your fingers...


I'm in a bliss however, he suddenly freezes.

Ciara: What's wrong?

Marques:... Little girls shouldn't do that..

Do what? I turn to look at him and his face is tinted red. Huh? Wait, did what I just said sound 'suggestive'?! My face turns red as well as the situation hits me.

Ciara: I..! Hey, move your hand away! I can't see!

He tries to prevent me from seeing his face by covering my eyes with his hand and my vision blacks out. This... Spending time with him with him isn't so annoying as I thought it would be on the first day we met.

And so, started my days of daily extra training with Doris and Marques....