Chapter 2

Run. The word that caused several conflicted emotions to rise within me. I was accustomed to running, after all, that's what I've been doing for the past couple of years. I've been running from a messed up family, from a title I didn't want, and my true self.

I've lied and stolen just because I didn't want to be caught. I didn't want to ever be trapped again. So my personal motto was to run and if I can't run then hide. But under any circumstances, I can't be caught. This was a sick and dangerous game I was playing. Call me selfish but I'll betray anyone to not get caught. Regardless of whether or not the person is close.

With these thoughts in mind, I turned to Kathleen. Looking at her I noticed she looked 16 which made her 2 years younger than me. A feeling I haven't felt in a long time rose in me. Doubt began clouding in my mind. Could I really leave her behind? Did I want blood on my hands again? I tried to push those thoughts away. She wasn't your problem. Just leave her she'll only slow you down. But looking at her I couldn't leave her behind.

″Why have you been looking at me like that?″

″Sorry. I get in my head a lot when I think.″ The sound of the blades only got louder each passing moment. She nervously looked at the window.

″We really need to leave and what's your name?″ I turned to look at her.

″Now is not the time to get to know each other. But you can call me Elle.″ Going out of the room I could hear footsteps behind me. The hallway was a mud brown color with the floor being hardwood. The faint flecks of blood hardly bothered me since I have seen worse.

″We need to find weapons so if it comes down to fighting we have a chance.″

″I can't fight.″ It was barely above a whisper but I still heard it. I turned around to face her my anger surfacing.

″What do you mean you can't fight! What have you been doing since the invasive happened? If you think those creatures will let us live, then you're wrong! They will kill us before we can even blink because they don't care!″ Memories and feelings I tried to forget attempted to come back. You can't think of the past! Focus on not getting caught first.

Turning my back on the now useless female I went in search of weapons. In the kitchen, I found knives I could throw in case of distance. The kitchen was small with only a wooden table and 2 chairs in it. Like the rest of the house, it had mud colored wallpaper with a window. When I looked up I saw Kathleen awkwardly standing in the doorway. Annoyed I sent her a glare. I had no time for people that would slow me down.

″Elle can you please take me with you?″ Without thinking about it I answered.

″No.″ Finding a bag I put the knives in. Focusing on my next goal it didn't take me long to find water and food. Finding everything I needed I went to the window.

″Please take me with you I promise you won't even notice me.″ I scoffed.

″You can't fight so you'll easily be killed. If they don't kill us, then they'll capture us and that's not happening.″ Dropping the bag I put my left foot on the sill and grabbed it for support.

″Are you crazy!? You'll end up injuring yourself if you jump out of the window.″ I felt my eye twitch annoyed at this girl's constant bother. I put my other leg on the sill preparing to jump from a 3-floor building. Looking down I saw the sidewalk below me. I had to get this right or be a flat pancake. Leveling my breaths I leaned forward ready to jump only to... get pulled backward.

″I'm sorry I can't let you kill yourself. I did not come all this way to find you only for you to kill yourself!″ They found you. You really need to up your game. My body tensed, heart pounding so loud I can hear it. Pushing away the incoming panic attack I turned to Kathleen.

″What do you mean you've been trying to find me? Who do you work for? How did you find me?″ Questions shot out of my mouth as I inched closer to Kathleen hoping to knock her out. Kathleen just stood looking shocked like she didn't mean to say it.

″I-I follow the old ways. I saw you in my dreams and a voice in my head told me to find you. It leads me here to you.″ The sound of a helicopter landing broke the silence that formed. Kathleen looked at me with hopeful eyes and I nodded once. Saying yes to her unasked question. I went back to the windowsill and got into position twisting back to look at her.

″Don't think about it just jump. When you're in the air angle your body so when you land your feet hit the ground and run. Do you understand?″ Kathleen nodded. I turned back around and jumped. My feet hit the ground, and I ran. I ran as hard and as fast as I could the bag over my right shoulder hitting my side repeatedly. The scenery blurred as I ran through the buildings zig-zagging.

I heard shouts as I pushed myself to my limit while I ran. You can never get caught. You must run always my daughter. If you ever get captured, you'll be used and tortured for you are different and humans are afraid of the unknown.

The words of my mother appeared to match with the beat of my heart as my feet pounded against the pavement of the sidewalk. The reason my parents are gone, the reason I no longer have a home. Soon footsteps sounded after me. I didn't stop running until Springfield was far behind me and only the countryside for miles around. The countryside was wheat all around with a lone barn standing on a hill and a patch of trees beside the hill.