Chapter 4

I didn't expect this to be so easy but beggars can't be choosers. Once Katina said yes Bob was quick to agree. I wonder if they had a thing going? The two went into the barn and before Kathleen followed them I grabbed her hand.

''Be prepared to run.'' There was a look of confusion in her eyes.

''Why?'' I shrugged letting go of her hand.

''You might trust them but I don't.'' I walked into the barn. The inside was filled with wooden walls and a ceiling high up. The floor was wood with hay scattered around it.

''Alright. We'll do this your way.'' I cleared my throat gaining the attention of Katina and Bob.

''It's time for you to explain Kathleen.'' My statement seemed to put their 'surprise plan' in action.

''I don't think it's necessary for her to know,'' Bob announced holding a gun at Kathleen and me. Upon closer inspection, the gun was a missile Range 4.0. The gun looked nothing special with its grey metallic color and small sleek body like that of an airplane but I knew better. This gun could shoot at 90 mph and it was designed to shoot in long distances. With one pull of the trigger, an enemy was dead.

''What do you mean and why do you have a gun pointed at us?'' The confusion in her voice made me want to slap her and strangle her alive. Did she not realize we were in a life-threatening situation? Or was she dense? Apparently, Katina was thinking the same thing as me.

''Wow, you really are an idiot. Thank god we can get rid of you today, because I can't and won't stand to be in your stupidity any longer.'' The hostility in her voice could not be mistaken. From the short amount of time I had spent with Kathleen it was obvious she was gullible, but she had a rare personality. One that could get her killed in the world we are living in today. I looked at Kathleen to see her expression and it was one of sadness and hurt.

''What's your plan?'' Everyone turned toward me, surprised. I was only standing there, and they forgot about me? Am I really that unnoticeable?

''Why, you of course. The big boss has a huge reward for us bringing you to him.'' I stiffened. Could the big boss be him? Were they looking for me? Did they find me after all these years?

Panic started to rise in the deepest parts of me. I couldn't go back to that life of capacity. Not after what I've seen and done. I had to keep them silent no matter what... even if it meant killing them. With this resolve in mind, I began my plan of action. Bob was the one closest to me but he was holding a gun. I decided on a very idiotic plan to distract them. I started to cry. It wasn't hard for me since right now my life was a mess.

''Great, we have an idiot and a crybaby with us now.'' The sarcastic voice of Katina muttered, rolling her eyes. This momentary distraction caused Bob to lower the gun, giving me an opportunity. I rushed towards him, aiming a punch at his stomach. The result was immediate with Bob bending over.

The gun he was holding clattered to the ground. I made sure to kick the gun out of reach before turning to Bob. I grabbed his head and knocked it on the ground. He was unconscious within moments. One down, one more to go. Before I could turn around. I felt a sharp pain in my scalp. My hair was being pulled to the point where tears appeared in my eyes. I kicked my left foot backward hitting Katina in her kneecap.

Her tight grip on my hair loosened enough for me to escape. I turned and punched her in the face. The result is a crack and blood appearing around her nose. I kicked her in the stomach this time earning a groan.

She rolled over and got up fists raised. I had to admit. her reflexes were good. She was the first to lunge towards me, going for my face. I was able to duck in time but I missed the kick she had for my stomach. I stumbled a few steps back, falling on my butt.

''You're good. Better than what they told us.'' They really didn't know me.

''I'll take that as a compliment,'' was my out of breath reply. Her talking was the perfect distraction allowing me a chance to get a blow at her ribs. A grunt escaped her lips which caused a smile to form on my face.

''Nice try but I've had better opponents.'' Katina went for my left shoulder landing a punch there. Shit, that hurt. I would have liked to say the pain didn't bother me but it did. I looked behind Katina for a moment and saw Kathleen. She was holding a wooden board and heading straight for Katina. I smirked.

''You should really pay more attention to your sourroundings.''

By the time Katina heard her, it was too late. The board hit Katina's head knocking her unconscious.

''I may not know how to fight but I sure know how to use a floorboard.'' Kathleen stood over me offering a hand to help get me up. I clasped it letting her pull me up. The movement caused pain to shoot up my left shoulder. Kathleen glanced at it obviously worried.

''We should-'' I waved her concern off.

''We have to keep moving. Based on what happened here... reinforcements are coming.''


''No buts we have to keep moving.''