Entering a Mysterious Space!! Meeting Might Guy

Hans had to check door after door and room after room just to enter the correct one. He made a few mistakes and walked in on a few people, but he simply kept on trying until eventually he walked into one where Kakashi was standing.

"Finally," Hans said in exasperation as he shut the door behind him. "Its about damn time. You should have freakin let me know what door I was supposed to enter before-hand Kakashi-sensei!!'

"Don't complain and simply look around, put your bag in here and get acquainted with the place." Kakashi said, opening up the fridge. "Your gonna be here for quite a while so you might as well make yourself at home."

"Gee thanks," Hans answered sarcastically as he set his bag onto the table in the center of the room. "I guess I'll go and check out the bedroom then."

Hans walked down the hall and opened the first of two door in the hallway. It was a bare bedroom with a simple bed and a desk next to it, clearly nothing special. However on the desk was a picture, something depicting the 3 members of team 7 lead by Kakashi, Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, and Sakura Haruno.

After gazing at the picture for a while, Hans exited the room, shutting softly behind him. He then walked back to the dining room with a small sigh.

"Already done looking?" Kakashi asked curiously as he closed the fridge.

"Yeah," Hans picked up his bag and slung it over his shoulder. "Who was the guy dressed in blue inside that picture? He seemed to be friends of Naruto and that girl in pink."

"Oh, yeah," Kakashi said, grimacing a little in response. "Well I'm sire you'll learn a bit about him from Sakura later. As a matter of fact, why don't you let her escort you over there and you can ask her about it."

"I'm not too sure about that....I kinda dont like her much." Hans stated as he walked to the door. "She tried to hit me when I gave her a compliment. Talk about ungrateful!!"

"Maybe she thought you were making fun of her." Kakashi explained as he followed Hans out the door. "Its possible that since she didn't know you, she felt she was being insulted."

"Well whatever the case may be, Ill figure out the way back to the Hyuga Clan on my own so thanks for the help sensei." Hans said as he jumped onto the second floor railing.

"Oh by the way, I need you by the Hokages office when your done so we can get you registered as genin. You'll be a temporary replacement for team 7." Kakashi yelled as Hans jumped onto the roof of the nearby building.

"Yes sensei," Hans yelled back, the song 'I Want It That Way' (by The Backstreet Boys) playing over his headphones. It was actually the only song he had by them and had menatto add more but now it was too late to do it.

He dashed along the rooftops, singing as he went, leaping from roof to roof as he headed for the Hyuga Clans entrance. He felt super excited, as he rarely had the chance to share his music back in his own world. Most people just wanting to fight him and test their own strength.

"You are.....my firrrree," Hans sang as he jumped onto the next roof. "My one desire!! Believe, when I say.....I want it that way."

He had always like this song for numerous reasons even if it felt kinda sad. It actually reminded him of the old days when he first began to get into music.

All of a sudden the world around him vanished, and was replaced with, not the roofs of the Village houses but a huge wasteland with numerous swords stabbed into the ground.

Skidding to a stop in the middle of his run, Hans became very confused. The space around him felt different compared to that of the Hidden Leaf Village. He felt his strength shoot through the roof, and he could feel vibrations pulsing through the ground beneath his feet, seemingly as if following the beat of his song.

Hans slid the headphones off of his head and discovered almost immediately that instead of the music coming from his headphones, that it seemed to emanate from the entire space, from all directions.

"Where in the freakin hell am I?" Hans asked out loud as he stepped forward. However with that casual step he shot forward a few feet before coming to a stop.

"Okay woah," Hans said, no longer moving a single muscle. "Not used to this kind of strength, probably shouldn't move around too much I guess."

Hans looked around, then at the numerous swords stuck into the ground. There were seven of them, each of them rather strange looking and some looked a bit odd.

Hans grabbed the hilt of the one next to him and pulled it out of the ground without too much trouble. It was basically a large broadsword, as tall as a full grown man and shaped like a butcher knife.

The blade itself had two cut outs, a circle close to the top and a semi-circular one nearer to the handle, the former of which is aptly fitting the sword's purpose of decapitation. It had an unmistakable appearance that could have been one thing.

"I'm holding one of the swords belonging to the Seven Ninja Swordsman of the mist. Its the Kubokiribocho....if I'm saying right." Hans exclaimed, geeking out a bit as he easily swung the sword without difficulty.

"Its a lot lighter then I thought," Hans said as he stuck it back into the ground. "Where am I, and how the hell did these swords end up here?" He scratched the back of his head as the ground continued to pulse beneath his feet.

As the song that had been playing came to an end, the space began to fade and was replaced by the scenery of a blue sky and the roofs of the houses in the Hidden Leaf Village.

"Okay Okay okay," Hans said as he looked around, even more confused then before. "What the hell was that?" He rubbed his fingers against his temples and cursed in frustration.

"Well, I'll have time to figure it all out later," Hans said, pushing it to the back of his mind. "I'm just gonna ignore that and then investigate it when I'm alone. It'll be weird if I were to experiment with it now and then I have to explain myself...if it IS a hallucination then I dont need people questioning my sanity!!"

He adjusted his backpack, slipped on his headphones (which were now playing "Sunflower" by Post Malone) and began to run as quickly as he could towards the home of Hiashi Hyuga. He had been a bit stalled while inside that weird space but it wasn't anything to be concerned about as he had only spent a few minutes in it.

He jumped off the last building before landing on the ground in front of the entrance of the Hyuga Clan. He didn't want to leap across the roofs of this place as he felt it would've been bad manners. It was a prominent clan after all and he didnt want to accidentally offend anybody.

Hans was just about to walk inside the Hyuga clan when a hand was placed on his shoulder and he was stopped dead in his tracks. He could have easily shaken the hand off if he tried, but he figured that it would've been rude.

Turning around he came face to face with thick black hair cut into a bowl cut, thick black eyebrows and a wild grin. He was face to face with the strongest taijustsu user (personal opinion) in the history of Naruto, Might Guy.