The Weird Young Woman With No Emotion!!! The End Of The First Day.....

For the first time since he arrived in this world, Hans actually got hurt. It wasnt anything major as he knew he wasn't indestructible, but it still surprised him when he fell through the roof and landed on the floor, his back slamming into the ground.

Hans lay there for a few seconds, letting the small pain in his back fade before rising up, readjusting the headphones that had fallen off his head and now hung around his neck. He dusted off the seat if his pants and sighed a little.

"Well, that was rather stupid," Hans said as he ran his fingers through his pitch black hair. "I probably should have came up with another solution before I broke the roof." He glanced upwards at the brand new skylight he had just put in the ceiling. It was only after he checked his body for injuries that he actually took a look at his surroundings.

He had landed inside of a bedroom, and from the looks of it, one that was currently occupied by a woman. The neatly folded clithes in the corner of the room, the smell of perfume in the air, and the various pictures on top of the dresser were all the evidence he needed.

He was just about to leave after taking a quicj glance when he heard a click followed by the sound of a doorknob turning. Spinning around on his heels, he turned around just in time to see a 17- 18 year old girl emerge wrapped in a bright green bath towel.

The woman, who had a head of bright blonde hair, stopped afted taking a few steps, her dark purple eyes fixated on Hans. She didn't scream, attack, or even speak, she merely stood there and stared at him, occasionally blinking. Her expression was completely emotionless, not a trace of confusion of anger anywhere on her face, not even her eyes displayed any hints of life.

After about a minute of staring, the young woman finally spoke, a sort of dull abd unconcerned voice coming out of her mouth. "Did you break my roof?" Was the only thing she said, her head tilting to the side, her face retaining the deadpan expression.

Hans, though having tons of experience with women even though he was 13, wasn't sure on how to respond. Usually, even without music, his sense of observation was so great that he could tell a persons mood by looking at their face and body language. Even if they tried to hide their emotions, the eyes would always give them away.

However, this young woman didnt have anything, as if she was a blank sheet of paper, not a scrap of emotion showed. Her eyes were dull and lacking light with no hints of anger, embarassment, or worry, and her body that was wrapped in a towel was also unreadable (although he did note that she had quite the nice figure).

"Yeah," Hans said, answering her question. "I apologize for breaking your roof, and I promise to pay for it in due time." He gave a slight bow without taking his eyes off the young woman. He didn't want to miss anything in case her expression changed.

"Well, as long as you leave and pay for it later then I guess it okay," The female said, truning around and walking back into the bathroom. She grabbed something and then walked back out. During the whole time, she didnt express a single bit of emotion, not even a little. Even when she walked up and stood in front of him with nothing on but a towel, she didn't even hesitate, she reached out and dropped something into his hand. It was a hammer???

"Tomorrow, at exactly 3:00 pm, you'll come here and fix it," The young woman said, turning around and walking over to bundle of neatly folded clothes. "I'll have all the materials you'll be needing, so make sure to arrive on time."

"Why did you have a hammer in your bathroom?" Hans asked, twirling the rather light grey hammer between his fingers. "Dont you think that thats a little bit weird?"

The young woman ignored the question as she began rummaging through her stack of clothes. "You may leave now, just rememeber the time you have to be here."

"Yeah, sure," Hans said as he slipped his headphones on. The song 'Sorry Not Sorry' (by Demi Lavato) was currently playing, a perfect attribute to how he was feeling right now. "What a weirdo!!" He muttered as he leaped upwards and out the hole in the roof.

He landed on the roof and was only still for roughly three seconds when 3 kunai were pressed against his throat. He hadn't felt any of their presences, and that really bothered him as he was sure that he would've been able to with the power of Demi Lavato.

Holding his hands up in the air, Hans showed them that he surrendered and wasnt going to fight back. It was only after seeing this that the three kunai pulled back and were put away, a sign that they weren't here to merely kill him.

The three people surrounding him were all members of the Anbu Black Ops, easily identified by the kirin masks covering their faces. Hans even suspected that they were the same ones who had been dosguising themselves near the Hyuga clan. He couldn't confirm this however so all he could do was merely speculate.

"Hans Jackson," One of the Anbu said, his voice low. "Your position in the village may be a special case and may be under question, but you are not allowed to wander around as you please. Please return to your new home or we will be forced to take you into custody."

Hans gave a small laugh. "You guys think you have what it takes?" He glanced at the three of them, each in turn. "While I could defeat the three of you with the right song, I'm actually pretty tired, its been a VERY long day. So I'll ve taking my leave now. Feel free to follow if you wish."

Hans turned around and began running in the direction of Naruto's (or should he just call it his?) house. He didnt even need to turn his head to know that they weren't following him directly, but instead dispersing and taking heading to their positions that were no doubt located near his new home.

He smirked a little as he lept from roof to roof, humming along to the song 'Gives You Hell' (by The All- American Rejects) and occasionally singing along to it. He wasn't too concerned about the Anbu, instead being more concerned about getting back, taking a hot shower, and then going to sleep.

After about three minutes of running along the rooftops at top speed, Hans jumped off the last roof and landed onto the second floor railing. He had already memorized the distance from the Hyuga clan entrance to his own house so he would be able to go there whenever he wanted, making life marginally easier.

Letting out a low yawn, Hans opened the door to his new home and slipped off his headphones. He shut it behind him, dropping both the hammer and his backpack near the door. He was so tired that he was tempted to just skip the shower and just head straight to bed, but decided against it after thinking through everything he had did that day.

Thirty minutes later, having fully washed his body, brushed and flossed his teeth, and put on his PJs, Hans flopped down on the soft and comfy bed situated in the corner of the room. He let out a small sigh of happiness as he reveled in the utters relaxation.

He picked up his heaphones and Mp3 player from the floor and set them on the nightstand, directly next to the picture of Team 7. He then lay his head on the pillow, closed his eyes, and drifted off to sleep.