Famous Overnight

In just span of 1 night, the entire United States know there is a super rich teenager and him being a bestselling author. Many people shocked as this matter indeed a little unbelievable. This teenager has a net worth of $26 Million USD and it means he is one of the top richest people in the United States now. The United States is always a country of capitalism that worship money, so the topic that involves money always sell well.

Not to mention this 'Henry William' is just a teenager in his 19!!! At just that tender age, he basically has created a wealth myth with ease. He just released 2 books and already worth this much, so many people can imagine if he continues down to this road, basically, a spot of top richest men in the world are reserved for him.

But the most frantic one is not ordinary people as this matter just little do with them, but the publishing house! The total sales of 'Devotion of Suspect X' and 'Da Vinci Code' has brought revenue of John & Son over $80 Million USD!!! This number causes many publishing to breathe heavy with greed.

Not just the money, originally John & Son is just a small publishing house in the entire United States, but with just 2 books, they gain much reputation as they can already compare to a large publishing house reputation in the folk! Many people already know Henry is a super genius author, so his next book basically will be sold well if he did not make any major mistakes.

Based on the above reason, many publishing houses begin to search for Henry to talk, even a large publishing house like Hachette Livre, HarperCollins, and Simon & Schuster search for Henry too.

After knowing real information about Henry, they already know he is now studying at Harvard. So, many helms of the publishing house want personally to visit Henry to show their sincerity. So they take the fastest plane that leads to Boston Airport as if they take one step late, they fear other already rope Henry in.


Harvard University.

Harvard University inhabitant shocked as the recent hot news seems centered on one of their students. Many professors and students shock as they know who this person was. And because of that, it became more shocking as that person is already famous in the entire Harvard, who else if not the Prince of Harvard, Henry William.

That title recently acquired by Henry as he is too popular right now in the Harvard. And now with this piece of news leaked out, it can already foreseen Henry reputation will skyrocket again.

Henry already anticipated this would happen sooner or later, so he not too shocked. Of course, he knows this can cause him a bit of trouble, but it will be nothing serious to threat his security. Even Henry already know many people will visit him soon as this is predictable. Henry is ready for the talk as this is involves his layout in the literature industry.

Soon enough, there are people visiting Henry. Now is afternoon, and it is time for lunch, Henry is eating in the cafeteria while surrounded by many people, of course, all of them are girls. It at this time, a man in a black suit came over.

When the man saw Henry surrounded girls, his eyes slightly twitched but he came here with a purpose, so he politely says to Henry, "Hello Mr.Henry, my name is George Lucas, I'm the CEO of HarperCollins publishing house. Do you have time to talk right now?"

When Henry and the girls heard that, the girls stopped the conversation as they know this is Henry business. Henry then said to the girls, "Well, I guess the business coming, Girls, you heard that? It seems our conversation end here today."

All the girls then stand up from their seat as they know Henry business coming. They said goodbye to Henry as they kiss him in the face one by one.

"Well, now I'm free, but if you want to talk about business, you can wait as other coming too." Henry leisurely says as he knows many people will come today.

When George Lucas heard that, his face slightly red as he held his emotion. But he knows Henry is the one who takes the initiative, if he takes any rash moves, he knows the business is done. So he just politely say thank you and take the seat.

The situation here has noticed by many people as they already know Henry is the author of 'Da Vinci Code'. This further deepened envy and hatred from the male student as they knew Henry reputation is getting bigger and bigger. This can be seen from the girls before that surrounded Henry, basically all the girls at Harvard like Henry unless they have special circumstances.

After waiting just 10 minutes, another person came over.

When he saw Henry already sitting with a man, he already knows he is a little late as he knows who the man is. But it didn't matter as he feels confident about this business. He then stepped forward and greet Henry.

"Good afternoon Mr.Henry, my name Frank Russell, I'm CEO of Simon & Schuster, I come here for..." Before Frank finishes his sentence, he interrupted by Henry, "Hello Mr.Frank, I already know what you came here for, so please sit down with Mr.George as I guess you guys already know each other, we will wait before our companion arrives so the business can start."

Frank already know what happened as he can see his competitor George too seem to wait, so he can already guess what Henry want to do. So he just sits down and begins to prepare the plan to win this business.

After waiting for more than 40 minutes, basically all the large and medium CEO of the publishing house has arrived.

Henry then stood up from his seat and said, "Gentleman, it seems quite informal if we start out the discussion here. So I invited you to the conference room as there more conducive to our negotiation." Henry then begins to walk away to the conference room as the Harvard side already prepared it.

After arrived in the conference room, Henry then sits in the main seat while the CEO of all publishing take their seat too.

Henry stands up and says, "Good afternoon Gentleman, I already know what you came here for. So lets straight to the point and less bullsh*t, state out your condition so I can choose it." Henry then takes his seat again and begin to wait.

When all the people in the room heard it, they already know this so they begin to said,

"Mr.Henry, my HachetteLivre can provide you with the best publicity for your later book. HachetteLivre too has one of the best influence in Europe. We can provide you with 35% royalties."

"My Macmillan too has the best influence in Europe. We can even provide you with 38% royalties."

"HarperCollins can provide the best publication in the US and give you 38% royalties."

"Random house can give you..."

After a while, the entire conference room became like a vegetable market as the CEO start to shouting their condition.

Henry just keeps silent as the condition raised by all of them has not yet reached his satisfaction/ So he decided to keep waiting and wait as eventually one of them must raise the best condition.

10 minutes later, the conference room noise began to reduce as now just the Large publishing house like HachetteLivre, Macmillan, HarperCollins, Simon & Schuster still fighting. After a while, the 4 publishing house CEO seems to reach an agreement as the condition they raised seems already hit their bottom line.