Lecture to Steve Jobs

Henry then dropped Steve Jobs at the building as today both of them too tired after all of the work. Steve Jobs will temporarily reside in Apple Headquarter as his home is too far away from here. Henry then goes to his parent house as he did not meet with them for a while.

His parent holiday started in November last year and it has been 3 months since then. Henry did not know where they're going in the past 3 months, he sure wants to find it out.

Even if Henry already became rich, his parent still did not want to move out of this house. They tell him even though this is not William Ancestral House, but this is the house that witnesses their love. So if not really necessary, they rather not to move out.

Henry then enters the house and witnesses a familiar sight. Even though he stays in this house just for a little period of time, but this is where he traversing from 2016 to 1973. He then spots his parent in the living room while drinking some evening tea.

Margaret was the first that saw Henry come in, so she quickly gets up from her seat and rushes toward Henry and hug him. Henry instantly feels warm even though this is not his 'real' parent. So he just silently hug back Margaret.

After a while, Margaret releases the hug and caresses Henry's face, "You are really handsome sweetheart." Margaret murmured while she caressing Henry's face.

When Jacob heard that, he instantly reply with a proud tone, "Of course, like you don't know who his father was."

Margaret just rolling her eyes toward Jacob and back to her seat. Henry then sits too while he grabs some cookie on the table.

"So mom, dad, do you have a story to share to me ?" Henry asked as he was really curious where they go in the past 3 months.

Margaret then replies, "Well, I and your dad basically have traveled all over the United States and some European countries too. It was our second greatest moment excluded our marriage and it was a really great experience. So we first travel..." Margaret then begins to narrate her and Jacob journey with an enthusiastic attitude.

Henry laughing when he hears some funny moment that happens in their journey. Jacob occasionally commented too but he is quickly overwhelmed by Margaret. Henry smiled while he saw Margaret and Jacob small fight and thought they were very romantic. When looking at them, he begins to think about Susan as he too misses her after that last trip to Europe.

Henry keeps chatting with them for 3 hours until it was time for dinner. Margaret already cooked the food in the afternoon, so it just needed to be heated. Margaret serves her delicious looking food while keeping her warm smile.

Henry swears he would protect this family from anything that may harm it. He knows in the future, he will have many enemies as his career result. Many of those enemies will use many unscrupulous mean to hinder him. Even his last life died from an assassination.

But its quite fortunate as he doesn't really have someone that valuable to himself in the future. But that's exactly what caused Henry regret as he really doesn't have someone to rely on. If he has someone valuable to him in his last life, maybe his character will be warmer and more approachable.

His cold and unapproachable character precisely the thing that caused him never has a wife and instead attracted many people animosity. Now that he transmigrated to 1973 with a complete family, he will never anything harm them.

Henry keeps thinking about this while eating. Margaret and Jacob were totally oblivious to what Henry thinks as they just keep chatting each other.


Henry then says goodbye to Margaret and Jacob after breakfast as he has something important today. Henry then drives his car to Apple HQ in Sunnyvale. Now that Apple not yet officially started, so the employee is just some cleaning staff and front desk. So the Apple building looks quite deserted, but soon this building will lively as Henry main focus will be placed here for some time.

When Henry entered the building, a middle-aged lady that temporarily served as the front desk noticed Henry and quickly come over.

"Good morning Boss."

"Oh, Good morning too for you Nancy. Do you know where the man I brought yesterday ?" Henry asked Nancy.

Nancy quickly answered, "Oh, that guy now on the second floor and still sleeping. Do you need me to wake him up ?"

Henry just waved his hand and say, "No need, I will go by myself." Then he goes up to the second floor using the stair. The second floor still empties and this floor will serve as a technical floor. Then he spotted Steve Jobs sleep on a sofa

Henry immediately thinks a mischievous idea to wake Steve Jobs up. He spots a dispenser for drinking water nearby him, then he gets a cup of water. Henry immediately walks toward Steve Jobs and splash out some water from the cup.

Steve Jobs immediately wake up and begin to look around. When he saw it was Henry, he did not know what to say as his mind is confused now. Henry holds his laugh but he quickly says, "Good morning Jobs, looks like you sleep well last night."

Steve Jobs just bitterly smile as he can feel his head seems about to blow up from a headache.

"Well, seeing you just wake up, I give you 30 minutes to prepare yourself. Today we will be busy, so better prepared."

Steve Jobs then get up from the sofa and walk toward the bathroom. Henry just waiting there while looking around this floor as this will be the place he will be work for some time.

30 Minutes later, Steve Jobs finally appeared again with a fresh atmosphere and new clothes. Then Henry invited Jobs to sit on the sofa as he wants to discuss something with him.

"So Henry, what would we doing today ?" Steve Jobs ask as this is his first day working at Apple. Basically, he just knows Apple will be a computer company but for the specific detail, Henry not yet explained it.

"Today I will explain to you what will Apple do in the future and everything about it. You will be the CEO of Apple, so I will explain the general direction Apple will go in the future. You just need to note the thing that I said and improvise based on it.

The first of all, Apple is..." Henry explaining about the general direction Apple will go and the rest of it will be improvised by Steve Jobs. Henry did not need Jobs to be a technician as it would be a waste of his talent, he needs Jobs leadership. So Henry just explains some simple thing about computer and talk more about how to manage the company.