The next day.
As his business at Harvard is done, Henry must come back to California. In the next few months, he will basically stay in California as there are many things to be done. So after bidding his goodbye to Susan and few people, Henry immediately buys an airplane ticket to California.
After 4 days since Henry is gone, Apple undergoes tremendous change as Steve Jobs start assumes his position as CEO of Apple. Jobs immediately recruit the employees that Apple needed and buy the various thing that Apple needs from the company bank account.
Jobs already heard various insight and general direction of Apple in the future from Henry, so he recruits mainly various computer technician. His friend Steve Wozniak already agree to work at Apple with his previous salary doubled.
Now that Apple is ready, Jobs just waiting for Henry instruction now. Henry already said to him he will be back 1 week at latest, so everyone waiting for Henry to start the Apple.
Before Henry arrives, Steve Jobs has nothing to do as his job, for now, is done. So he basically just sit in his office while reading various computer related thing when suddenly the phone on the table ringing.
He immediately answered the phone, "Steve Jobs here. You already at Airport? Well, I will go as fast as possible." He hangs up the phone and grabs his car key as Henry already back and currently at Boston Logan Airport.
Henry gives his car to him before he goes, as he says he will a new one later.
Henry arrives at Apple HQ with Steve Jobs driving him. He already gives his Chevrolet Chevelle to Jobs as he plans to buy a new one this week. He walked into the building and saw it more lively than more 5 days ago.
'It seems Jobs has done his work.' Henry thought
Henry then inspects what has Jobs done during his absence. It seems Jobs already begin to integrate and assume his job as CEO. Then Steve Jobs appeared and said, "Hey Henry, my friend you ask that time already arrived, you want to see him now ?"
Henry's eyes lit up as he already wants to meet with that guy a long time ago.
"Where is he now?"
"Well, he is on the 2nd floor right now."
Steve Jobs lead the way to the 2nd floor. The 2nd floor is used as the senior management office and the place where the technician work. Jobs lead Henry to a room that used for technician room and then Henry saw a slightly bulky man with long hair and beard, typical hippie style.
The man is assembling a computer now, so he is so focused as he didn't notice Henry and Steve Jobs arrival. Henry makes a hand sign to Jobs to not alert the man as he wants how that man working.
Henry observed the man working with great speed and precision and soon the computer completely assembled. Henry nodded as he feels the man is already at a professional standard so he walked forward and pat his shoulder.
The man immediately jolted out as he really gets shocked, then he subconsciously turned his head to see who pat his shoulder. Seeing it was an unknown person, he blurted out, "Who are you?"
Henry smiled and replied, "I'm your boss, Henry William. And Jobs, why you don't you display my photo so people can recognize me? All the employees you recruit don't even recognize me." Henry jokingly said.
Steve Jobs rub his hair as he really forgets about this, so he replied, "I'm sorry, it's my fault as I really forget it."
"I will spare you this time, so Jobs said you are great at the computer? Can you design a computer yourself ?" Henry asked the man.
The man then excitedly replied, "Yes, I have been working at Hewlett & Packard before so my computer skill can be said top notch. I never directly participated in computer design before, so yeah..."
"What's your name?"
"My name is Stephen Gary Wozniak, but people usually call me Steve Wozniak. So you can call me just Wozniak, boss" Steve Wozniak introduce himself.
"Nice to meet with you Wozniak, you must already know what kind of company Apple is. We will start designing a computer tomorrow as now I've just arrived from a long journey."
"And Jobs, gather all the employees now to the hall as I want to speak something to them. I will be waiting there" Henry command Steve Jobs as he walks away from the room.
Steve Jobs immediately use an intercom to inform all the employees to gather at the 2nd-floor hall. In less than 10 minutes, all employees already gather, there is just 23 of them as Apple scale is small now.
Seeing all have arrived, Steve Jobs nodded toward Henry who already ready. Henry stepped into a podium.
"Good morning everyone, I'm the chairman of Apple and temporary Chief of Technician, Henry William. Now I want to talk about our company, Apple. What kind of company Apple is? In my vision, Apple will be a great company that leads the computer industry in the future.
What, all of you don't believe it? I guess I must explain something for all of you. Since the computer invented, it has greatly eased the human job. But the computer was never truly popular as the public perception of computer was the rich plaything.
The computer now is bulky, expensive and inconvenient to use in my opinion. So I was thinking, can we minimize the computer, reduce its price and enhance its function?
If there is a computer that small in size, low price, and superior function compared to what the computer now in the market, I believe everyone can understand what will happen.
So, Apple goal is to create that ideal computer! How will we create it? The answer is in this paper in my hand, I have already designed the computer. What I need now is to realize it into reality, not just in the design.
I can't do this alone, I need everyone help. So who will help me? It's all of you that attend here, you will be the one that helps me. Counted with me, there are only 26 people at Apple now. I already injected $10 Million into Apple so it can realize my dream.
My question is, will all of you help me realize the ideal computer ?" Henry speaks with passionate tone.
All of the employees, including Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, shouted, "We willing to help Apple realize its dream."
Henry smile when he heard their replies, but this is still not enough so he speaks again, "Of course I will not treat all of you badly. I will directly give you a benefit, 5% Apple shares will be available to all employees who make a contribution."
Everyone employees can feel their heart boiling as just 5% of Apple capital will be $500,000. If divided equally into 23 people, they will get around $21,000 each. But if the dream computer that visioned by their boss realized, Apple stock will only skyrocket.
So everyone excited by the prospect of Apple and shouted, "Long Live Apple."
Henry just smiles as recently he can feel his speech has improved again. If his speech can keep improving, maybe he should consider becoming a politician later.