After Henry finishes the registration for all of the patent, he immediately go to Atari headquarter to check their situation.
Compared to the last Henry visit, Atari has even became more vibrant as $10 Million fund is a huge boost for Atari development.
If before Atari can only barely run from their meager profit, now they running smoothly.
Since Nolan Bushnell left Atari to enjoy his live, the CEO position has been vacant since then. Since Nolan has left, all senior management of Atari has been fight over for CEO position.
Henry already think to point someone to be the CEO, the problem is he doesn't know who competent and fit for this position. Even if he is from the future, he is not omniscience god that know everything.
Henry work in the future mainly centered around Internet, so he know ins and outs of Internet Industry. But outside of it, he just know the general direction of many industry.
So besides Internet industry, Henry only know the famous people of the industries.
For Atari, Henry has been headache just to think who can assumes the CEO position. CEO is the vital figure for any company as they the one that run and guide it.
If CEO is good, then the his company development must be good. On the contrary, if the CEO is bad, the company can even go bankrupt even if the company condition is good.
So to choose whose to become a CEO is always a headache for any company owner. From what Henry know, Atari success largely contributed by Nolan Bushnell vision and his ability. Even though Nolan is a greedy person, his ability to manage a company without doubt is top notch.
But now since the Atari was sold to him, Nolan feel no attachment toward Atari as he only own 10% of shares now. So Nolan go to enjoy his life as he already get $27.5 Million from his sale of Atari. Henry can't force Nolan to stay at Atari again, not without giving him a benefit.
Henry eyes suddenly shine as he feels compared to a stranger whose is uncertain, it's better Nolan continue to be Atari CEO. But to convince Nolan to assume this position, he must give Nolan a huge benefit.
Since Nolan was a greedy person, this was easier for Henry to convice him. So Henry quicky take his Motorola phone and dial Nolan number.
After a while, the phone connected and Nolan voice was heard.
"Nolan Bushnell here. Who is this ?"
"Hey Nolan, it's me Henry. Where are you now? I want talk about something with you."
The phone silent for a while before Nolan start talking back.
"Unfortunately, I already in Florida right now so I afraid this can't be done. You can just talk about it now."
Henry feel this a bit tricky as Nolan now is in Florida. But he must meet Nolan face to face as speaking about business in the phone is not easy.
So he quickly say, "I want talk face to face with you. $5 Million, do you hear me ? We will talking about $5 Million business, so it's better for us to meet directly."
After saying $5 Million business, Henry can feel Nolan breathing a bit rushing now. He know Nolan already hooked as $5 Million is not a small number. Even if Nolan already have $27.5 Million, but essentially he is a greedy person.
So Henry directly throw $5 Million bait as he know this is going to work. So he quickly heard Nolan reply.
"Well, I will go right now. I guess my just started holiday already over." Nolan complaint a little, but compared to $5 Milion, the holiday can be postponed later.
"You better arrives tomorrow as I will go somewhere 2 days later, if you late, the $5 Million business will be gone."
Nolan promises he will take the fastest flight, he will arrive tonight at latest.
Henry hang up the phone and recharge it back. Motorola DynaTAC can only used for 30 minutes talk at its maximum battery, so Henry must recharge it often. Even though this is quite troublesome, but this is the best phone that available right now.
Maybe later he will create the smartphone, but not right now as his condition and environment is not enough. It's better to concentrate his resources and attention to Microsoft, Apple and Atari. Before the 3 company at least achieve some success, he will create or acquire a new company as that will just hinder his development.
So for now, he must doing his best to this 3 company to achieve some success as fast as possible. In this era, there is too many opportunities that can be picked. But due to his limited energy right now, he can only do so much.
He can only do step by step as doing too many thing can caused him to fall if his abilities is not enough.
The Next Morning
Nolan drives his newly bought car to 331 Greer Road, Woodside as he was told to come there by Henry to talk about the business. As far as he can see, there is only maple tree arround him. Now all the maple tree has begin to grow their leaf, so the scene around him is very beautiful.
After 5 minutes drives, he can see a colonial style estate at the end of the road. He a little bit envy as this estate is very perfect in his opinion. He can see too some construction on going right now. Then he can see the gate decorated beautifully with William wooden signboard hang on top of it.
He ring his car horn thrice and waited for it. In just 1 minute, the gates already opened by some people. He drives in and park his car on an open space, then he can see a man in a butler suit came over.
"Are you Mr. Nolan?"
He just nodded as he didn't expect Henry would have a butler. He is a little envy about this as this treatment is like a Noble. Henry really know how to enjoy a live.
"Please follow me, Master already waited for you." The Butler lead the way, so he just follows him as he looks around. He can see there are many people who wear a maid like clothes along the way.
He can see they renovating the house now as some of them will paint the wall and another replacing the old tile with good looking stone. Although he don't know what variety, he know it's would be very expensive.
He keep following the Butler until he arrives at giant wood door, it's atleast 4m tall and 2m 2m width.
"Master Henry is inside, you can come in." Then the Butler left.
He just staring at the door for a moment and pushing it.