Organization Plan

Just like that, Amir the orphan boy became Henry favorite among all of the children here. Even though Amir a bit rebellious right now, Henry can see a bit of his past self in Amir. This makes him liking Amir more than before because he is too an orphan!

In his past life, Henry has been orphaned since the age of 3 which is the same as Amir. But worse than Amir, he not even remember how his parent looks like. The Orphanage who raised him always say that he is left in there since 3 years old.

But, the Orphanage says that they too don't know how his parent looks like. Even after successful become many large companies CEO, he always feels there is something missing. He doesn't know why he left alone in the Orphanage, but no matter what reason his parent has, he never truly hated them as he doesn't even know if they're still alive.

His life experience caused him more fond of the orphan because he knows what they experience. At the same time, he knows that an orphan is very easy to be brainwashed just with simple maternity care.

There are many children became an orphan by various reason each year. As he is an orphan too, he knows how many orphan there in the world from various source. According to UNICEF statistic, the number of the orphan in the 1960s is over 60 Million. This number continues to grow by various reason at the rate of 1.2% each year.

The majority of these orphan are concentrated in the war-torn region. But Henry only need knows one thing, all of that orphan is his potential various organization member. In the next 5 year, he plans to establish various organization.

Intelligence Organization, Assasin Guild, Mercenary, Syndicate Alliance, Various Financial Group and many more. All of these Organization must be run by the people he trusts as it's the utmost importance.

Henry didn't want one of them suddenly betrayed him without warning, so all of that must be run by his most trusted people. The orphan is the best choice as he can train them personally! Yes, he plan to train the leader needed for all of the organization by himself.

Even though he did not necessarily have the skill needed for that, he can train their loyalty first! Loyalty is the most important as it very hard to gain it, the skill can be trained later when the loyalty training is done.

Controlling the whole organization is easy when the leader already has absolute loyalty to him. Even if there are some who will betray later, it's nothing hurt as the absolute core already held by him. So to choose the leader is the most difficult task.

He already thinks to train Amir as one of the leaders of his organization, preferably the Mercenary. The Gurkhas people is more suitable for direct fighting rather than other things, this is already embedded on their genetic by the evolution process.

Mercenary is the easiest to make rather than all of the organization he listed before. He just needs to train the qualified and loyal leader, and it almost ready. The member is easy to recruit as there are many in just the war-torn region. He did not the member absolute loyalty, as long they did not betray him.

If everything goes well, the loyalty training will last for more than 10 years according to his estimates. If an orphan adopted, it just needs 2 years for them to regard their adoptive parent to the status of an actual parent. But this is not enough for him as he wants their absolute loyalty, even if he ordered them to suicide, they must execute it immediately.

10 years of strict loyalty training will definitely enough to shape the loyalty. Amir is the first one, but definitely not the last one. In the next 5 years, he must collect all of the orphans he needed as the training is gonna last for quite a long time.

In his vision, the next 10 years will be definitely his most explosive growth stage. After this growth stage passed, by then he must make many competitor and enemy along the way. So he wants all of the organization ready by then. so the earlier he establishes them, the better.

The Gurkhas are just one of the piece, he needs more the like of them. Later, he will be going out often to scout the talent he needed. He has so many things to do in just the next 10 years so that he wishes he can split himself into 100 people.

Henry stops thinking about it anymore as it will just make him more headache. All of Gurkhas too already waiting for him to start the breakfast as they did not dare to start before their employer.

So Henry stands up while carrying Amir who still has a sullen face and shouted, "Let's eat."


4 hour later.

The Boeing 747-100 finally arrived, it looked brand new just from the paint, It immediately parking at the hangar. 2 men get off from the plane and walking toward Henry who already waiting.

One of the more burly men approached Henry and extended his hand while saying, "You must be Mr. Henry? Let me introduce myself, I'm Dylan Hamilton, the captain of this plane and an Air Force 1st lieutenant. This is my co-pilot David Burton and he is an Air Force 2nd lieutenant." Dylan introduces himself while shaking Henry's hand.

Henry surprised when he heard bot of them actually an Air Force pilot. Even though it's the lowest ranking lieutenant, it was better than many commercial pilots. This Dylan and David must be Senator John people or at least his military acquaintance people.

But well, it's nothing surprising for Senator John to use an Air Force pilot as he can get it easily as he is a Senator. They are doing better confidentiality too than a regular commercial pilot. So Henry shakes both Dylan and David hand and introduces himself.

"Hello Lieutenant Hamilton, Lieutenant Burton. My name is Henry William and well, I guess both of you has understood what the mission right?" Henry introduces himself while smiling.

"From the command of our superior, our task is to assist you to fly this plane for 1 month period. In this 1 month period, you can command us to take you wherever you want." Then suddenly both Dyland and David salute at him while shouting, "Good Afternoon Sir."

Henry's face is weird but by the reflex, he salutes them back. Well, Senator John sure is good by 'lending' them for 1 month. He suddenly has an idea, since Senator John already 'lend' them to him, why not keep them for himself?

Now that he got a Boeing 747-100, but it lacks the pilot. Dylan and Burton just perfect for now, so he must think about how to keep them. Since both of them are Air Force lieutenant, they must still active member of the Air Force. But by his quick judgment, both Dylan and David is over 40 years old already.

40 years old but still a Lieutenant, it means both of them either not good enough so no promotion or they are just the reserve member. From what he can see, both of them must be just a reserve member. This makes him easier to recruit them if they are just a reserve member.