After eating his breakfast, Henry quickly goes down to the hall. He spotted the man who kicked Soekardi last night already waiting.
The man quickly approach him and say, "Good morning Mr. Henry, is our service satisfying you ?"
"Hmmm, it was great. And I seem not yet know who you are ?" Henry ask
"I'm sorry for my rudeness, my name is Soetopo. I'm the private adjudant of our president, Soeharto." Soetopo introduces himself.
"I guess you already have your breakfast, so we will directly go meet the president. Please follow me, sir." Then Soetopo leads the way to a car who already waited at the driveway.
Henry gets in the car and he thought why would Soeharto want to meet him. He already suspicious why can his identity leaked to the Indonesian. Plus now Soeharto wants to meet him, he already feels uneasy just to think what's will going on.
From what he know about Soeharto, he is one of the most famous dictators in the future. His reputation as a dictator is very infamous and can even shoulder to shoulder with the Kim family of North Korea.
The difference is that Soeharto controls one of the biggest and wealthiest countries in Asia, not the barren and tiny North Korea. For 32 years of Soeharto in power, he gathered a massive wealth by his corruption. His wealth that was known is over $100 Billion USD and it was not counting the hidden one.
Not mention how the International media portrayed him as a ruthless, cold-blooded and intelligent person. Soeharto came into power by tricking the first president, Soekarno. When Soekarno fell ill, he gives a warrant by the code of Supersemar using his power to pointing Soeharto as the temporary president.
But Soeharto evidently has another idea. He skillfully used the warrant as a magic letter, and precisely erode Sukarno's influence and power as president.
It was proven by how Congress validates the warrant and make it legal. The stipulation of Supersemar as a legal rule diluting Sukarno's power. Thus, the Supersemar which was originally "only" a warrant for a temporary president actually backfired Soekarno: Soeharto used that as legitimacy to take power.
Only 1 year after the warrant release and the legalize of it, Soeharto came into the power and get rid of Soekarno. After just 1 month Soeharto came into the power, he officially declares that Soekarno is arrested as a political prisoner. Soekarno was suspected to be involved in the massacre of 6 army general known as G30S 2 years earlier.
Soekarno was exiled into a home prison by Soeharto and interrogated every 1 week after that. After 3 years of suffering, Soekarno can't hold it anymore and pass away in 1970. Even though Soeharto did not kill him directly, but it was crueler by that way.
This event only is known to the public in 2007 when the Indonesian government holds an investigation. It was quite sensational back then, even it was reported by the International media.
One thing that Henry known, that is Soeharto was an intelligent and ruthless person. Now that he will visit and talk to Soeharto, he must raise his guard as he doesn't know why Soeharto summoned him.
After just 5 minutes drive, the car quickly entered a road guarded by a soldier at its entrance. It was quite a narrow road that can barely run by 2 car. But there is no other vehicle on the road except their car.
Along the way, there are many old fashioned houses lined up. There are many tall trees too, their leaves blocking the sun and it makes the entire road quite dark. The car quickly stopped in front of an old fashioned house painted green. It was the biggest house in this road and the most prominent one.
"Wait a minute, I will inform them first." Soetopo then goes out of the car and entering by a small gate for a person.
Henry then looked at the house. He found there are at least 10 soldiers armed with an assault rifle guarding the house in his sight. It seems this is the Soeharto house, maybe even his official private house.
The house located at the center of Jakarta, guarded by soldiers, it's fit with Soeharto dictatorial nature. Henry got nervous as he never meets with some like Soeharto. He already meets with many presidents, but never someone like Soeharto.
Soeharto is definitely the first dictator he ever meets, so he is nervous right now. He knows he is nothing compared to Soeharto, at least for now. Combined with the notorious reputation of Soeharto, it even makes him more nervous.
Not like many presidents who often just a puppet, Soeharto definitely one of those who not controlled by anyone or anything. This kind of people is hard to deal with as they always the one who wants to control.
Essentially, Soeharto is the same as Henry. But this can be his advantage too, as he can understand how to treat people like them.
After 5 minutes, Soetopo opened the gate by himself and make a hand gesture. The driver quickly drives the car in. Henry quickly guided by Soetopo into the house. He was guided into a door who guarded by 2 men.
"I'm sorry Mr. Henry, but we must do a quick check over you first. Please stretch your hand and leg." Soetopo say
What can Henry do? Of course, he can only complied to what they say.
"Please come in, Mr. President already waited inside."
Henry come in and saw a middle-aged man wearing a military uniform sitting in the middle of the room. He was smiling and directly staring him.