Something about Toponymy of the East

If you look at the topographic map whether it is Central Asia or any other space, you can find a lot of unfamiliar or non-typical names for the modern language. And it is not surprising, it is in the order of things. Since in the vast spaces, millennia, centuries ago, many ethnic groups lived.

The history of the area retained the memory of these peoples. Some modern researchers suggest that the ancient and not very toponymic names can be searched for: ancient deposits and mines, places of nomadic tribes of certain genera, key points of migration of particular ethnic groups, etc.

Also to clarify some ancient legends and traditions interesting from the historical - archaeological point of view. Indeed, as is well known in the East, there are never random toponymic names.

On geographical maps of the Central Asian region, you can sometimes find the names of endings such as "Kon, Madan", "Konkan", "Gugirt", "Surb", "Rohravi con", "Par", "Bakir", "Miskan" and t .d And they are not as simple as it seems at first glance.

For example, "Kon, Madan" is translated from force as "a mine, deposit," Konkan "- from force, Rudokop," Gugirt "from force, sulfur, Surb - force, lead," Rohravi con "from force, - adit , "Rag" - with a forsi - vein, "Bakir" - from ancient Turkic - copper, "Miskan" from a more modern Turkic - copper mine. "Nukra, Sim" with forsi - Silver, "Fid-d-atun" from Arabic - Silver.

By toponyms, one can also learn about other elements of the anthropogenic infrastructure: "Kala, Hisor, expired, Sangar" with forsy - fortress, "Haroba" - forsy - ruins, "Kharabai kushki kadimi" with forsy - ruins of the old castle, "Romitan" with ancient Sogdian - roadside fortress.

"Balik" with forsi - the city, "Katay" - Pecheneg - fortress, fortification, "Katag" Chagatai - fortress, "Hisn" Arab - fort, "Kar" - Finno-Volga - city, fortified place, nest, "Urd" - Mongolian - Khan rate.

Sometimes in the expanses of post-Soviet Central Asia there are also Greek names, such as, for example, "Burdagui" which means hotel.

There are also toponyms in Sanskrit in this territory, such as, for example, "Arshan" - holy water, mineral water, healing spring, "Arasan" - healing spring.

Not to mention purely Mongolian toponyms, such as "Yom, Yam, Pulp, Jam" - the post station, "Lidae" - clean the well, "Sir" - the hill, ridge, "Tolgoi" - the lonely hill, hill, peak, "Bogdo" - divine, holy, holy honored, "Ula, Ola" - mountain, "Olom" - ford, "Kahlanga" - gate, "AmTamchi" - mountain valley, span, "Ar" - north, back, reverse side .

There are also Chinese names, but they are already concentrated in the Tien Shan region (from the Chinese. Heavenly mountains), for example, the toponym "Shui" is water, "Shan-shui" is a waterfall.

In principle, it is possible to write to infinity, to study toponyms is very fun, interesting, entertaining, you can devote all your life to this topic and learn a lot, but you can't learn everything until the end ...