Key trade of the Silk Road region

Key trade and transit bifurcation points on the trade routes of the Silk Road region (from the 10th century to the end of the 19th century)

• Pamir Mountain Corridor - the road from Bukhara to the Arabian Peninsula - of global importance

• Herat - Gateway from Afghanistan to Iran - International Significance

• Karatergin - the gate from the Surkhan Valley to Yarkand and Kokand - International meaning

• Balkh - gateway from Bukhara to northern Afghanistan to Persia and India - International meaning

• Musarpin Gate - a strategic mountain pass, the nearest way from Kashgar to the Ili Valley - Regional significance

• Astrabad (Gorgan) - a key port in the Caspian Sea - International importance

• Ajdarkhan, Khazitar-han, Pytrakhan - a transit point on the Persian, Chinese, Arab, Türk trade route -International significance

• Paikend - one of the largest transshipment points on the road to Khorasan, to Syria and Byzantium - of global importance