About berries

Gooseberry ... its bushes can bear fruit for 20-30 years. The gooseberry, like many berries, should be well lit, loves water, but not an excess of it.

The yield of gooseberry on average from 7 to 10 kg per bush, but it happens that all 20 kg. But it already depends on the tricks in applying the right fertilizer.

Gooseberries are planted in spring and autumn. The distance between the bushes is 1.5 meters. The depth of planting a bush depends on its age, but an average of about 60 cm in depth, digging a hole.

Fertilizers - manure, foliage, wood ash, superphosphate, potassium sulphide. But you will also have macronutrients and micronutrient fertilizers. So to steam at the expense of conventional fertilizers will no longer be necessary.

At each shoot, 5-8 buds should be left. After disembarkation and compaction of the pit, water it abundantly.

Fertilize gooseberries need twice a year.

The first time after flowering, the second after picking berries. Pruning bushes. Forming bushes, only after the foliage.

The gooseberry is susceptible to pests - firebugs, aphids, sawflies. If you treat the bushes with biopreperaty and infusion of wood ash, you can get rid of them.

Harvest at the end of the summer. Harvest within 1 month from July to August.

The size of berries from 2 grams to 10, but it all depends on the variety, the berries can reach sizes and 15 grams.

1 kg of royal gooseberry in the summer of that year we have already cost 15 dollars. The usual red is 10 and usually 30-40 kg are brought to the bazaar at a time, everything goes away during the day. Brought in the morning from 8 in the morning, by 3 o'clock in the afternoon nothing remains.

The gooseberry is either eaten raw, either it is immediately frozen, dried or jam is made. Moreover, the purchase price of gooseberry about $ 5. So in your store you can sell them for $ 12 for a royal one. It is by the way green. Beautiful, fleshy, berries weighing 5 and 10 grams.