Austin, needless to say, was surprised when I walked into class the next morning. Usually, somebody lets me out when it's about five in the afternoon in the next day, early in the morning the day after that if they were feeling particularly cruel.
"How did you-"
Apparently, fate didn't want him to finish, since the bell rang right as he was saying that. School protocol said that when the bell rang, you were required to not say anything until announcements were over. You couldn't do your homework, you couldn't do nada except for sit up and stay like that until we did the pledge, in which we stood up and put our right hand over our heart, like in the old days with the Pledge of Allegiance. And yes, even Austin respected the school pledge, however twisted that may sound.
"I pledge allegiance to the Rocky Mountain School, and to America. I will devote my entire life to bringing out the betterment of life to others, at my own sacrifice. I vow to be kind to others, respect each other, and most importantly, be an important part of life to everyone around me and to America."
Considering that Austin broke almost the entire pledge rules at one point (it was a dare), he seems to be off the radar, which wasn't surprising. He was the perfect two-faced student in front of the teachers, but bully to the rest of us.
My first class was Advanced Pre-Calculus, so when the teacher walked in, Mrs. Johnson, I had my homework from yesterday ready and finished (though it took me most of last night to finish it). For some twisted reason, we had to complete a two-page worksheet about them. Not kidding. Must've been something about the education policy.
Moving on, as soon as I got my homework out, however, Austin ripped it from my hands and started to erase my name on the paper and started to add his name to the paper instead of mine. I couldn't say anything, since, well, he was Austin, and you couldn't speak unless you were directly asked by the teacher, per policy.
"This is the third time for you, Mr. Aaron. You know what that means," said Mrs. Johnson with contempt when she came to me. "Explain to me what the rules are once you fail to return your work three times, Mr. Aaron."
"The penalty for failing to turn in work three times is detention, ma'am." I replied, reciting from the student handbook that the administration gave us (Usually, the students burned the books in a huge bonfire every year, and the administration would supplying new ones). Or I would've said that, if Austin hadn't somehow pinched me imperceptibly, yet so hard, I let out a small yelp somewhere between "is" and "detention".
"My, my, Mr. Aaron. You now have detention for the week." Yep, she was cruel like that.
"One month, Mr. Aaron."
"One more 'but' out of you, and you'll be facing detention for the entire school year. Now scat!"
I couldn't take it anymore, but I had no other choice. I retained my anger, and walked out of the room, but not before Austin catcalled me. "Yo, Aaron, how about you supply more of that homework next time?"
I retained my anger, but not before letting out a middle finger directed at Austin.
"That's it, Mr. Aaron! You now have detention for one year! Scat!"
"But what about-"
I reluctantly went to detention.