Chapter nine : bloodshed of Nazi turf

As we cracked the door open more to see the Marines blast the windows out along with the door charging in the Nazis looked frightened at first but then extremely angry returning fire. "Sir what if the Marines get killed?" One of my men looked at me confused " well there Marines they can handle this there made for this kinda stuff I have upmost faith in them and even so there battle doesn't go in vain " he nodded in agreement. As the Marines were able to take down most of the Nazis the last one left was the head of command that is when I had the idea of the possible information he would have I quickly crawled from the tunnel " HOLD YOUR FIRE! " they all came to a halt and looked at me " tie him up and hold him in a cell at the base with you guys I'll come get him soon ". The SS officer just glared at me and cussed at me in German " oh shut it already your lucky I didn't put a bullet on you myself damn Nazi " I said as the Marines tie him up and bring them with him I look over and have my troops go through German files. I order them to take all the good stuff and to head to the Jeep and to pull around to load stuff up.

( copyright mightytankgodess)