Chapter twelve: plan x

I hang up the phone and send troops over to pick up the Nazi scum waiting to be held in our cells for information while I and a few of major officers and lead commanders take a trip to a conference. This plan that I started was becoming bigger then I have ever imagined it to become big enough to get out of uniform and put a suit and tie on as we arrive we are greeted by our allies and we walk in a group into a large meeting room to discuss matters "I think we need a spy in there to scout the base and there troops " I say thinking thats a good idea. The room actually goes dead silent for a bit but then they all nod in agreement " we only need one man through " says one as they begin to bicker about how many we should send in " just send one of all else fails we have more but we need the strongest man we have to do so " I say watching them all nod in agreement "very well " they all say in unison "we shall call this plan "plan x " " I say with a pleased smirk.

( copyright mightytankgodess)