As I lay there slowly recovering I see some of close friends in my battalion walk up to me in the hospital as me questions if and if I am ok and give me feed back on how the new base is going. I lay there feeling ashamed and regret blessing all the souls lost that day and May they rest easy thinking to myself when I get out of here I'll be better then I have ever been in my job. I will always be a strong soldier to fight against evil I have to take pills and medication for my injury's and working on walking again and therapy. To many pills to take because of my bleeding but as for today I will be focusing on walking and relearning natural stuff that humans do l lost it all because of the fight after that I go to relax and write in my journal about the whole story of what happened. Then I get the idea to send a letter to my family and tell them the story too and that I love them all so much I finish the letter and have it sent off right away. I look at my personal troops and friends on base letters and moments in time of joy and happiness that we had together as on big family.
( copyright mightytankgodess)