Chapter twenty: Laws of nature

The mail comes in as I sit at my desk and look through all the letters I have gotten from family all around the world wishing me love and misses me and if I am being honest there the soul reason I am here fighting and fighting. If it wasn't for them I wouldn't be fighting as strong and as much as I am I just didn't expect all these letters today. I find myself nodding off to sleep because of all the paperwork I did kicking some dirt on that German soldier or whatever he wants to be called man it made me so tired I have never been so tired in my life. I didn't know that someone could be this evil I mean I have fought people who were bad and evil but this is insane I went through his entire file. " Mrs Davis please send in in my second in command " I ask my secretary in my office as she nods and goes to get him I sit an rub the side of my head as he comes back in " yes sir " " please take this file to head office ASAP then keep me updated on there next move " " on it sir!" He says as he takes it to main office for check.

(Copyright mightytankgodess)