Chapter thirty five : new idea

as I am sitting in a outside are were all of our smokers meet I don't know what I was on but I idea came to me that may seem hard and crazy but it will work we have plenty of people to do it . We have to go underground and make a wide tunnel underneath the German base make it as wide as possible and when we are done strap loads of explosives all over the walls the cause the base to cave under and collapse. It sounds crazy but it may work I run to the meeting room as there is a meeting going on I sling the doors open and bolt to the front of the table and tell them my plane start to finish as I am not surprised but he thinks about it and actually thinks that it may work. We order the explosives and find the right spot to start digging we from the back and go forward and to dig as far down as possible to stay out of sight from enemy's as I think how crazy this will get Marines arrive dropping off from the sky and the woods arriving to help blow this base wide open.

( copyright mightytankgodess)