I call swarms of Soldiers and Marines chase Ehichmann don't trenches as I watch him jump into a German bunker and lock himself in as I know he's in there somewhere I won't stop till I get him " DO WE HAVE ANY MORE EXPLOSIVES LEFT! " I yell over to someone even anyone who will listen but no one answers " oh come on people work with me here " still nothing happens there all scared out of there minds. I walk over to my brother who I know who would answer " you guys have any left over here?" He looks over to his second in command and asks to check " we should have some left over what do you want to me to do?" I smirk at him " strap that damn bunker up as tight as you can we are gonna get that son of a bitch out and make him suffer for what he did " he chuckles " I like the sound of that the loads will be here soon ". I walk back to my group " play time boys let's show this coward how it's done " I see some smile and nod in agreement locking and loading there weapons fixing there helmets and checking there amo " let's show him true fear " I watch my brother brings loads of explosives as he straps the big Metal door up.
( copyright mightytankgodess)