The first contact

[Tera Pov]

it seems that as if my location has changed not from the research facility meaning I can salvage a great lot of the materials located here.

With this I made the first move I was to be fully self sufficient and luckily a handfull of drones where already available to me, they would gather materials and melt them down inside the forge that was located within the drones themselves not as effective as a dedicated forge but it would do for now. With that the only thing missing is a source of material luckily the facility itself can be salvaged. With the salvaged material the facility would be refitted to serve as my headquarter. Meaning a forge, a construction line for more equipment and drones and defense perimeter around the new facility.

Realizing that it would take quiete the time for all of it to be done prioritized the drone production. With all this done the only th8ng to be done for now is to wait.

[Samuel Pov]

It has been a month since we entered this dimension we are currently exploring these huge marble towers they are everywhere rising into the skys. A Civilization that is capable of such feats must have discovered secrets of the world that we could hardly dream of. Tge towers must hold many secrets we hoped to get information what happened to the race that created all this as the emperor instructed us to search for the reason as he would want to defend the empire from a disaster that is able to destroy a seemingly masterful civilization with architecture as grand as this.

It was a huge shock for the empire when a new portal opened within its borders.

We were ordered by the emperor himself to investigate this dimension for clues. But since we entered we never found any living being this was both good and disturbing as nothing could attack us and disturbing because whatever it was it didn't even leave the livestock alive.

Today we travelled through another of those ruins Tempos and Remos were chatting as always about food and alcohol while Galia and Silvia were talking about magic. I stayed vigilant as I didnt believe for whoever did this to just disappear.

Until I heard a strange noise. I quickly gave the rest a sign they were similarly surprised as me as this was the first thing we heard in the whole time we have been here.

We immediately went to the location were the sound came from, when we arrived we were both shocked and amazed as many small flying golems were salvaging the surrounding buildings and bringing it to a more pristine construction. We carefully moved closer towards the building in expectation that we would finally be able to find out what happened here when suddenly a new golem emerged and started moving towards us and we were in battle formation me in the middle Tempus and Remolus at the front and Galia and Silvia at the back.

[Tera Pov]

It has been a few days since I awoke, I quickly realized that the research facility itself did not hold enough resources for me so I moved outwards and mapped the sorounding as expected it consited of the old skyscrapers which could be salvaged as well this would do for now but I needed to gain more reliable sources, the drones focused on their jobs. The construction line and the forge where mostly done. The defense line was for now only outfitted with radars.

I was in the process of planning on how to proceed from this. When suddenly something unexpected happened, humans it seems that they somehow survived I look at them they seem to be scared and get in some kind of battle position I immediately order some dedicated battle drones to be constructed should things escalate. I watched them and tryed to talk to them.

"Who are you?"

The group of five seemed taken aback by me speaking.