Welcome to the Service Center!

Days, weeks and years flow by and it's now my 12th birthday. I've been on this shithole of a Planet for 12 years now.

The weird Old Man turned out to have been kind hearted, it seems I've misjudged him due to his weird beard. It's been 12 years since I've been thrown away by the Feng family. That Old geezer ended up taking me far far away and leaving me in the care of an orphanage and all though my body was weird it seemed the old man gave a heavy down-payment to have the orphanage take care of me and raise me up, I'm guessing they thought I'll never remember what happened when I was born and so he decided to have me live a normal life in the corner of the world.

These past 12 years haven't really been that much of a waste as I've managed to learn a few things about this world from here and there. Sadly since this is nothing but a rundown Orphanage there's no way to learn how to cultivate and since I'm now officially 12 and counted as an adult in this world, I'll be forced to leave the orphanage and forge my own path. I've managed to learn though that this world we're in is divided into 5 regions. The Northern Continent inhabited mainly by Demonkin, The Western Continent by Elves and Dwarfs, the Eastern by Demonbeasts and half-beasts, the southern by Humans and the Central continent which is the main cultivator holy land is inhabitted by all the Factions. The Feng family is one of the prominent Human factions in the continent so no wonder they had their eyes to the skies. As for where I am? I'm in the very south of Southern continent. As to how south you ask? Well let's just say I know 3 Billys and 2 Bob's that live around 30 mins by walk from here.

Also contrary to popular believe the different Races actually get along well with each other. There has been no intercontinental war for the past 1000 years, as to why? that's even simpler to believe. The northern has succubi , The Western has Elves and the Eastern has half-beasts .There is not a lot in this world that Mankind will unite for or against, But this? There is no Man in existence who would try to harm these marvels of nature we have. The moment a Man raises his sword against this belief Mankind as a whole will deliver swift retaliation.

I've gotten a bit off-topic here, but although this day is an Important one I still started it off as usual. I walked slowly towards the mirror to start off my daily routine.

Hm? why am I talking to myself this entire time? Well see here, by thinking to myself outloud I am actually thinking things through twice, once when I think it and once again when I acknowledge the thought. it has NOTHING to do with the fact that I'm an intellectual and that I'm so much smarter than the other kids in the orphanage that they decided to ignore me and obviously not because I'm lonely and have no one to talk to. But less about me and let's head back to our routine.

Looking into the mirror I see a blue eyed dark haired youth, where if it was a boy, one would call him handsome but if it were a girl, she would be called cute. But sadly I am neither I am just me, neither handsome nor cute. Just plain and weird.

Thinking to this point I started to wonder if the prayer this time would be the same as it had always been the past few years ever since ive learned how to talk, carrying a spark of Hope, eyes closed I started.

Armada:" I do NOT want to join the Myr sect, and I WANT freedom of choice in terms of finding sects".

Armada:" I do NOT want to join the Myr sect, and I WANT freedom of choice in terms of finding sects".

Armada:" I do NOT want to join the Myr sect, and I WANT freedom of choice in terms of finding sects".

Slowly I waited hoping to hear that giggle bad sadly all I've heard was....

????:" You've tried contacting Goddess Myrissa, sadly I'm currently not available so please leave a voice mail, or if you'd like, yell 1 , to go to the automated Service Center".

Armada:" Oh boy here we go again..... ONE!!!!!"

????:" Welcome to the Myrissa Customer Service Center, for ease of use please refer to me as Myr".
