Lingyi city

Few hours passed by and I finally arrived at Lingyi city around dusk. I passed the Gates without any problems only having to pay a toll of 1 gold and found me an Inn to spend the night. Now that I'm in Lingyi city I need to start planning out how Im gonna continue with cultivation. paid a deposit at the Inn for the next 2 weeks and all the money I got left is basically around 10 gold. Although 10 gold is usually enough to cover expenses for a while in low tier cities, sadly the story doesn't apply to midtier. The closer one is to the capital the higher the living costs, specially in terms of Mortal gold. Eventually ofcourse it'll stop being expenses in gold but in spirit stones but Im not yet at that level. So for now I need to plan my cultivation and a way to earn money.....

Armada: "Okay system, now we've reached Lingyi city, any suggestions on how to proceed from now on? Since i can use CP to cultivate i dont have to go looking for a cultivation method, but now i'm somewhat confused as to what to do, i mean i cant reasonably go and try to piss off everyone everwhere to farm points."

Akatosh:" Simplest method is to simply court death, but since youre against that opinion we will be forced to use some shadier methods..."

Armada:" Shadier methods?"

Akatosh:"You cant farm points in the city above the ground, so simply, its best to go to the city undeground. The nightlife part of the city should have some collosiums or underground fighting arenas. We can go there and court death and farm."

Armada:"Thats..... surprisengly logical, how are you even aware of those things?"

Akatosh:" Host, i have already made contingincy plans beforehand when i saw your INT at 2. You're useless so i had to do everything myself. Remember a while back when i asked to flip the pages of a couple of books before we left? I've used my superiour artificial intelligence to save all the information there for future use. Though all the information i managed to get was some of a basics. In the future it would be suggestable to invest into buying more books or going to LIbrarys to try and save as much information as possible."

Armada:"Fuck you. You think i like having only 2 INT? I'll show you next time i get some CP im putting it in INT."

Akatosh:" Host even if you manage to gain 100 points in INT you'll still be an idiot just accept it."


Ignoring that remark and the insults flying at me by Akatosh i decided to try and seek out underground district in the city.

After asking around and getting directions i found myself on route on a shady alley, while going onmy way my mind started to wander about... and thats when it hit me...

Armada:"OH MY GOD!! System you know what going on?!"

Akatosh:" Host whats the problem? My superiour sensors havent detected any threats or problems around, what are you blabbering about?"

Armada:" No i mean listen to me! We're in a new city. I'm already walking around a shady alleyway ,I'm still young but got my own unique power! Got about 10 gold in my pockets and so i've got enough money for a while. AND EVEN WORSE! Is the fact that i've got Blue eyes and black hair which is somewhat 'unique or rare'. You know what all this means?! DO YOU?"

Akatosh:" Ah I see. It means that your INT is even lower than 2 doesnt it?"

Armada:" No you idiot THIS IS A TYPICAL JAPANESE MC TROPE!! Look arent we going to have to take a right turn at the end of the alleyway? Theres gonna be a slave trader there 100% and theres also gonna be some random heroine/loli there that will SOMEHOW end up on my team and a partner in crime!"

Akatosh:" Theory confirmed. Host's INT is lower than 2, Reassessing procedure activating."

Armada:" Fuck you, look!"

Saying that i turned around the corner and just as i expected! Theres a shady looking man and behind him a few cages that are covered with cloth so that one cant exactly see whats in them.

Akatosh:"..... New theory, Lower INT gives prophetic visions? Note to self, proceed with tests later on."

????:"Young man, you look like you're full of vigor and youth, you'll specially enjoy my stock young man. There is no one in this city that has stock as cheap and as high quality as mine! Come take a look"

Armada:" See akatosh? I told you. But the one thing thats bugging me is. WHY is it a JP trope? This is a fucking wuxia novel! Where the fuck's the relation to JP tropes? Is it cuz my name's Armada that the Script Writer's force this shit? Mate it's not even a funny joke!"


