Modelling competition


Hayley's POV

I strode out of class knowing that Keira was so going to enter that competition. I couldn't help but wonder: what if I was pretty, slim and perfect? A lot like Britney. I guess I would be popular, a lot like my little sister.

'We are totally going there, to the modelling competition today, you know that, right?' Keira stated.

Why? Why do I have to drive all the way to Kinsley Corp, it ten miles away, of course it doesn't even matter what I think, it's just not worth while. But for Keira it is, she gets to see Josh Munroe, Xavier Johnson and, everyone's favourite - Brooklyn Skye.

Everything's worth while if you do it for them, because my sister, Keira - like everyone - is a Fan of Brooklyn. My sister is just a year under me, and she crushes on popstars and people like my best boy friend, (we're just friends).

Obviously, my dad, who always takes sides with Keira, decided that it would be a good experience for the both of us. So that's why now, I'm going to have to go to the Kinsley's Corp (where the competition is), with Keira. As if I want to, I kind of wish that I wasn't.

But you know can't miss an opportunity like this. Especially where famous people will be.

You never know what may happen. Honestly I need to have fun for once. To live it up.

We only have one life after all.
