

Hayley's POV

1 month later

'Dad! How could you say your own child is fat!' I shouted.

You see, the thing is I am actually fat. But who admits that type of stuff.

Dad came back from work after being promoted, now he won't have to travel as much as Mom. Or as Mom did.

Just about 2 weeks ago, I met my twin sister, I almost died and my dad promoted.

Everything is happening too quickly and my head feels like it may explode.

BROOKLYN IS DEAD! I won't ever get to talk to my new twin sister about her fame. I won't ever get to talk about guys, get her to do my homework, get her to ..... do the things a sister should do.

It's like now someone loves me.... they just disappear. As if I don't deserve love. For someone to love me.

Brooklyn died from Cancer in her blood. I didn't know that till now, I only just met her and now... she's gone. I, instead, have to take her place. As a MODEL! Or my family has to pay six million dollars.

Like come on I don't have half or even quarter of the experience that she had. Apparently, she signed a document saying she belongs to their company. So basically, if she wants to leave the company she has to pay six millions dollars cos that's how much she makes in like a year for the company.

Only if she had known she had a sister, she wouldn't have to sell herself and body to that company.

Dad's like, 'Mufflecakes they gave you two months to get into shape before they take you in. That's two months of healthy eating and exercise.'

Quick anecdote: When I was a child Dad gave me the name Mufflecakes because I had a stuffed bunny called Mufflecakes that I was obsessed with. And now he calls me that.

Honestly, I wish none of this happened, I wished that I hadn't went to the competition, I wish I never met the weirdo, I wish Jack never left, l I wish Mom never died or that ... or that...

You think that I would be accepted, that they would take me as I am. Like I bet my sister didn't have to change. All she had to do was wear a face of make-up, spray tan and a sexy outfit and boom. She's a model.

That's what I told Dad. You should have seen his reaction. With a serious face he said to me sadly: 'You are not perfect. No one is,'.

But isn't Brooklyn perfect.

'Everyone has imperfections, you just have more.' Dad mumbled that under her breath. I still heard, and I was offended. That what's the moment I knew to prove them wrong.

I know I have more imperfection than others, but to say that... it really hurts.

They says nothing stays forever. Then neither does my imperfections. I will change for the better. I will prove them all wrong: Dad, Keira, Britney and Brooklyn. Even that God forsaken Kinsley Corp.

They won't know what hit them. Mom always uses to say.... Anything is possible.