Vol.1, Ch.1 - Act 3

The Next Day

"I can't believe you guys started a fight without me," Tye pouted, folding her round arms over her desk, her cheeks puffed.

"It's not our fault you were late," Iris countered, her own arms folded as she leaned against the windowsill beside Tye's desk, giving her shoulders a light shrug, a few of her black dreads falling over them as she leaned back.

"And we didn't start a fight, we were ambushed!" Annie protested.

"You were ambushed," Iris corrected.

"I was ambushed!" Annie corrected. "Where were you, anyway?"

"Oh! Yeah, I was watching the news," Tye said as she pulled out her cellphone. "They were talking about the server crashes again. The CEO came out to speak and everything."

"What were they saying? Anything important?" Iris asked, looking over Tye's shoulder at her phone, figuring she was about to show them something.

"Not really. More protesting, more thinking we're gonna go braindead."

"What do you think?" Annie asked, her hazel eyes mildly wide with worry. "Do you think we should really be worried?"

"About going braindead? Eh, no more than we already are," Tye laughed, the gap in her two front teeth peeking through in her fit of giggles.

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"It means that you can't stop people from worrying, and people always stereotype video game effects. Anyway," Tye went on, scrolling through her phone. "What was interesting is what I was reading on the forums after about the crashes."

"Which was what?" chimed Iris.

"People are saying that the crashes are coming from a new boss the developers added for a special event."

"New boss?" came Iris.

"Special event?" came Annie. "I haven't heard of any new special events."

"Well, that's the thing. Some people are saying that Dream Co. developers are trying to work out the kinks in it before making the announcement."

"But then why wouldn't they just test it outside of the game?"

"The theory is that there are some beta testers in-game that they're using."

"And others? What are others saying?"

"Others are saying it's a hacker, like the news. Saying that Dream Co. is shutting down the servers to stop whoever is trying to hack them from getting what they want until they can find a way to keep them out."

"Hm … I mean, the latter makes sense to me," Iris mused. "I'm sure they've got some high tech stuff hackers would love to get their hands on."

"Yeah. I mean, if Dream Co. was testing out a new boss, or a new event, why wouldn't they just say that? Tell the news and get them off their back?"

"Maybe they don't want to spoil the surprise?" Tye guessed with a shrug.

"They're in pretty hot water right now … The risk versus reward doesn't make any sense to keep something like that a secret."

"Unless they're scared that people are going to be upset about the new software … Like if it's some new AI or something. Especially if it's what's causing the crashes," Iris added. "People are already scared of the little bit of advancement we have in AI now, and Sanctuary is pretty out there."

"Ugh, my mom is still driving some hunk of junk from like 2080 because she's scared of the driving assistants. Do you know how embarrassing that is? What the hell is iRobot, anyway?!" Tye whined.

"Still … what makes people think it's a boss? Have people seen it? Are beta testers talking about it on the forums? Annie asked, looking over Tye's arm at her phone to get a better look.

"Supposedly live-streams of the new boss pop up online, but they always get shut down before anyone can get a good look at it," Tye sighed. "I was combing the web for hours yesterday trying to find one after I saw this in the forums. But all the videos have been taken down. Honestly, I was beginning to think the posts were fake until I saw that the videos were removed by Dream Co. That's why people think it's just the developers that are causing the crashes, and that's why Dream Co. isn't worried about them."

"Hm … I guess that makes sense."

"I wonder what interaction is causing the game to crash though," Annie wondered.

"It could just be that the software is too advanced for the one the game is currently using. Like trying to run a new game on a crappy PC," Tye went on to explain before shooting a sharp look at Iris. "Or maybe it's because someone continues to insist on playing with a gen one D0ME."

"Up yours," Iris laughed. "There's nothing wrong with it."

"Nothing except that it's gen one," Tye groaned, oozing disapproval. "We're on three already! You might as well be running with scissors!"

"How does that even apply to this?"

"Just get a gen three!"


"Forget it, Tye. She's hopeless," Annie sighed with a shake of her head, smirking.

"You mean like you were yesterday?" Iris quipped back, making Annie's face contort in offense.

"BURN!" Tye boomed, slapping her hand down on her desk.

"You know what –"

"Speaking of yesterday!" Tye blurted out, deep brown eyes twinkling. "Did you guys see that Techie? Cuuuuuuuuute!"

"Oh brother," Annie groaned. "Yeah, sure, like the guy that was trying to kill me. Thanks, Tye."

"And you call me hopeless," Iris scoffed as the teacher walked into the classroom, closing the door behind her as the bell rang for the start of the day.

"To your seats!" she boomed as she set her bag down at her desk, taking out her textbook.

The class hustled to comply, the sound of scraping chairs and fumbling supplies filling the room as Annie and Iris got to their seats – Annie in front of Tye, and Iris behind her. Sighing as she looked out the window, chin resting in the palm of her head, Iris couldn't help but wonder about the crashes herself. Is it really that old? She thought to herself. Old software trying to run a new program … I wonder how many other people are using gen ones … Could it be enough to affect the game? Maybe I should upgrade …

Meanwhile, outside on school grounds …

"Again?" came the high-pitched hatred of the girl standing in front of Carter. He and Gene were standing against the brick wall of the school building, seemingly cornered by three of their classmates.

The ringleader, the one in front that was currently doing the barking, was Mecca Ontario, a captain in the guild Carter, and thus Gene, had been roped into. Raven, as she was known as in Sanctuary. Jet black hair, typically styled in a slanted, bangles bob cut – precision cut to kill. Grey, almost black eyes, and a signature winged eyeliner to match. She was ruthless, fearless, and shameless. She'd do anything to benefit herself, and maybe just to give someone a difficult time.

Behind her were her right and left hand, or wings, rather – Ivana Tucker, and Ashley Shultz.

Ivana, compared to the dangerously fit Mecca, was more of a heavy-set girl, though anyone who was anyone knew not to let her size fool them. In terms of fighting irl and in-game, she was their tank. She could take just as much damage as she could dish out, and in most cases, she was known to double the damage dealt. Brown hair and piercing hazel eyes that said, "I dare you". The Vulture.

Ashley, where Mecca lacked natural grace and seduction, oozed it. She could take everything a player had, crush them in the most humiliating of ways, and have them thank her for it. They wouldn't even see it coming. She was a girl with bad habits, hanging with a bad crowd, making bad decisions – and she was good at it. Honey blonde hair, green eyes, and a build only just slimmer than Mecca's. The Peacock.

Not only were they members of one of the most notorious loot guilds in the game, but they were also members of one of the fourth player *factions in the school, ranked by their skill in combat and overall gameplay in Sanctuary.

"This is the third time you haven't met your quota. Are you trying to make me look bad? Because I guarantee you, I can make you look worse."

"I was going to make it," Carter grumbled.

"What happened? Did the tooth fairy take it?"

"We got into some PVP," Gene spoke up. "We were outnumbered."

"Does it look like I give a damn? We all have quotas. And when you don't meet yours, it means I can't meet mine. And if I can't meet mine, there's trouble. And if there's trouble for me …" she scolded, implying that she'd use the leverage she'd gotten over him.

"Look, I get it, okay? I'll have it by tonight, I swear."

"I don't know. You swear an awful lot, Carter," sighed, folding her arms over her chest. "I'm going to need better than that if you don't want me to expose you. I'm getting pretty –"

"I'll have it," Carter boomed over her, his hands clenching at his sides as his glaring eyes met hers from beneath his dirty blonde lashes.

Mecca smirked, clearly getting off on the turmoil she was putting him through. "I don't know if I care about the loot anymore. I'm more than capable of doing it myself. Or at the very least, finding someone more reliable than you."

"What …"

"How about you get me things irl instead? I've always wanted a butler. Servant, rather."

"Eat shit," Carter spat before he could catch himself, actually taking a step forward and earning the watchful gaze of Ivana.

"What was that?" Mecca challenged, making Carter grit his teeth in begrudging hesitation. "Apologize, and maybe I'll give you another chance at making your quota," Mecca offered, but Carter remained silent, his brown eyes hot with resentment – and maybe the sting of fresh tears. "I said –" she scowled, swinging her hand back and aiming to slap Carter across the face in a flashy show of dominance.

Flinching, Carter shut his eyes, turning his face away and hoping to lessen the impact of her blow. But it never came. Brows synched, his eyes peeked open to see Gene holding Mecca's wrist, having caught it before it could connect with Carter's face. Mecca's widened eyes locked with Gene's icy blue ones from behind his glasses, his ginger brows pinched in warning as he threw her hand back at her. He was standing in front of Carter now, just off his center.

Unlike Carter, who was bound by blackmail, Gene, who was only around to watch after him, was not about to let the likes of Mecca take things to a physical level. And if she did, she, along with anyone else, would have to deal with him.

Gritting her teeth, Mecca scowled as she turned around, gesturing for her flock to follow.

"Doubled! By next week, Grieves! You got that?! Or you're done for!" she squawked as she stormed away, Ivana and Ashley following closely behind her as she left them to watch, Carter resting his back against the cool brick wall with closed eyes and a shaky exhale.

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