Pass The Final Boss

The job began immediately the following day. A compromise was met through a contract: Xin Tuyong could stay in the employee quarters as long as he promised to work for at least 300 days, but that meant he would spend over a year there because he only worked on the weekdays.

His pay was less than what he got from his previous job, but he had no room to complain. He was a thousand times grateful to be given a chance to survive.

Di Gaohun was well aware of his financial situation, so he was also allowed to have two free meals a day.

Xin Tuyong's fragile frame needed to become stronger, and now he was able to have food rather than a nap for each meal.

For his working days, he was given a single uniform to wear. He would have to take it to the laundromat once he received his paycheck.

He did not want to give his employer any regrets.

Speaking of employer... Xin Tuyong had only ever heard of boss Huan Mao; he had yet to formally meet his savior.

By the name, he assumed Huan Mao to be a female.

With such a nice house, would it be a rich widow? Or some powerful CEO?

It's not that the house was a mansion, but it was still three times as big as any normal house he'd been in.

Shining white tiles glittered across the floor and large art pieces were hung on the high walls. The furniture in the rooms sat neatly on plush carpets.

Xin Tuyong had only been in a few rooms thus far, but his jaw dropped at the luxurious setup he beheld in his short time here.

At the start of the day, Di Gaohun personally introduced Xin Tuyong to the other staff.

There was one cook and one other housekeeper, and both were polite yet not quite friendly. Their silence made Xin Tuyong nervous for his work.

He feared that he'd be punished if he talked while working, thinking that a strict regulation prevented them from speaking freely.

After the brief introduction, Di Gaohun gave Xin Tuyong a tour of the areas he was expected to maintain, providing a list of things to be done and a general overview of how to do it.

Afterwards, Xin Tuyong was left on his own. His workday would only be as long as he made it, and there weren't many tasks because of the other housekeeper who worked there in the evening as well.

He had to dust and wipe down six rooms in the house.

Two rooms were upstairs, the entrance hall was on the ground level, and the last three rooms were downstairs. With a burning spirit, he got to work.

Covered in layers of sweat hours later, Xin Tuyong took his lunch break. How much dust could this gigantic place have?!

He had to wipe the furniture, the fans, the windowsill, blinds, etcetera, etcetera...

It was past noon and he had been working nonstop since eight.

Di Gaohun made him redo the work in the first room because there were uneven streaks where he wiped, so his careful work took the first two hours. A single speck of dust wouldn't be tolerated, and Di Gaohun made sure everything was pristine.

Even before Xin Tuyong began cleaning, by any normal person's standard, the room was already decent enough, but decent enough was not the boss's standard.

She was busy with work this week and hadn't been able to stop by in the last three days, so Xin Tuyong had a light workload, according to Di Gaohun.

He promised that it would only get more difficult, so failure at this stage would not be tolerated.

Xin Tuyong tentatively stepped into the kitchen. There, the chef was chopping vegetables neatly to be added to the stew cooking on the stove.

The chef, Yun Bao, noticed the new housekeeper's arrival and turned around.

"If you're hungry, your lunch is in that bag over there," he flippantly pointed towards the brown paper bag on the counter. "We also have juice and other drinks in the fridge, so help yourself. There are glasses in the right cupboard."

Xin Tuyong thanked Yun Bao and filled his cup with water. He ate the lunch in silence while the chef continued his work.

The aroma of the vegetable stew filled his senses as he finished his lunch and headed back to work, once more thanking Yun Bao.

However, as he crossed the threshold to leave, a shiver ran its course along his spine and his hair stood on end.

He was face-to-face with the person who insincerely accepted his paperwork long ago.

He had almost forgotten about her. She wasn't part of the staff that he'd been introduced to, which he found strange. Unless...

With her domineering aura and rich clothes, could she be Huan Mao?!

No way -- the person in the emails was polite and professional, definitely not like this cold tyrant before him. How could they be the same?

"Is there something on my face or will you stand there all day? I need to get in," she said with boredom, gesturing impatiently towards the blocked doorway he stood in.

Xin Tuyong was jolted back to reality and muttered an apology as she breezed across.

The faint scent of her perfume lingered darkly in the air and Xin Tuyong coughed.

'How scary... Does she even know my name? She's a worker too, right? Who does that?'

Not wanting to run into her again, he once more returned to cleaning. In the next hour, he finished and searched for Di Gaohun to check his work.