Too Poor To Pay Attention

Xin Tuyong coughed up blood*.

'Compensate your mother! It was an accident!' He felt his face flush with anger. His actual response was no where near as strong.

"?! Ah... compsensat- compensation? What are you suggesting?"

"Nothing too severe, I would just like extra help this weekend." His heart began to slow and his muscles relaxed. He refilled her now empty cup with more water. "How well can you handle a gun?"

"How well can I- Ow!" Scalding water spilled across his hand as shock hit like a train. Just who am I working for? A triad**?

"Triads are old school; what I do is just regular business like any other company. Do you have a problem with how I work?"

Xin Tuyong's face paled with the realization that he must have spoken his thoughts out loud. Cradling his injured hand, he fervently shook his head. He had no idea what she would do if he made her angry, but he didn't look forward to finding out.

Her eyes were sharp and seemed to trace his every move. Her cold aura softened a little as she reached for his injured hand, making him flinch but reluctantly accept his fate.

She gently unfurled his fingers and brought them to her lips, blowing cool air lightly across the burned area. She loosened her grip and let his arm fall back towards his side.

A blush crept up his neck and his hand burned from something other than the water. When she released his injured fingers, he failed to notice the faint bruising on her own knuckles.

"Do you know how to use a gun?" she posed the question once more.


"That's okay, I'll teach you. Be ready to leave Saturday morning at eight. Wear whatever clothes you want as long as you can move comfortably in them." He nodded his head mechanically. "Good boy."

With silent movements, she rose from her seat on the barstool and left like a ghost.

Xin Tuyong inwardly groaned. 'What have I gotten myself into?'


The next day went by at a dizzying speed, accompanied by Xin Tuyong's dread for the weekend. At night, he tossed and turned, burning with curiosity and anxiety working in tandem.

Saturday morning came, and dark circles marred his pale skin. Finally ready but taking a rest on his bed, three consecutive knocks boomed on his door.

It was, as expected, Huan Mao. Dressed in loose slacks and a high-neck white shirt, she looked as handsome as a picture.

"Ready?" she asked, eyeing him up and down.


"Just letting you know, we'll be traveling out of the city to meet up with an associate. It will take up to an hour, depending on traffic, so please take care of your business before we get in the car or so help me. Complaints will not be tolerated and we can't afford to be late. Understood?"


She sighed. "Do you understand?"

"Oh! Yeah, I do." His heart pounded nervously as she stared him down. It gave him the chills.

Finally, they went outside. It was a cloudy day, but the air was warm. A crow cawed as it flew overhead, making Xin Tuyong's stomach turn.

They entered the back of a regular-looking car -- nothing he expected Huan Mao to ride in -- and on Huan Mao's signal, the driver started the trip away from the house.

She spent the time briefing him on what to expect and how to act, and he couldn't help but think that there was no way this could be safe.

* 'coughed up blood' is an expression of anger/incredulity

** a triad is a gang organization in China