Lover's Quarrel

Xin Tuyong slipped out of the room silently, but not before hearing a few lasting sentiments from the two:

"What do mean, 'whatever it is you do'? Are you referencing the work that you set me out to do or did you suddenly forget?" Di Gaohun was cool as usual, but his tone was low and biting. Even Xin Tuyong flinched as he heard it.

"Why are you so pressed? Bad day?"

"It would have been a better day if you had consulted me about your decision to recruit him out of the blue."

"Mad because I'm closer to him..?"

Xin Tuyong was by his door by this time and the last part was a garbled murmur. Were they talking about him?

His face heated with embarrassment at that thought. No, that didn't make sense because he wasn't significant, really. It must have been something else. A lover's quarrel, perhaps?

They were adults: if they had a problem with him, they would consult him directly, right? It surely must be a couple's bickering if anything.

He quietly closed the door, shutting out the voices just rooms away. He was exhausted, but it was far too early to sleep. It was only just evening.

He carefully took off his watch and set it on the dresser. He changed from his suit to one of his only casual outfits and decided to go out, leaving the expensive clothes carefully folded on his bed.

Last week's pay sat in the dark of his near-empty sock drawer. After such a long time of saving, he was willing to splurge and buy himself some clothes.

Not that he was embarrassed after wearing such a nice suit -- no, he would never think such a thing -- he only wanted some clothes because it's only normal to shop.

Returning from the store, he was able to get a completely new outfit, from shoes to underpants. He felt victorious at his achievements and was able to sleep happily that night. By morning, it was back to cleaning as usual.

The next morning felt strange, as Di Gaohun started the day asking questions about the weekend, which Xin Tuyong tentatively answered.

He knew Di Gaohun was trusted by Huan Mao, but he didn't know to what extent so he gave vague answers. After such intense discipline, it would be difficult to switch back to being trusting so quickly.

"Are you an associate now?"

"Uh, I don't think so. It was just temporary -- a one time thing. I don't think I'll be doing it again any time soon. Didn't Huan Mao tell you everything yesterday? I thought she did..."

"I just wanted to hear about it from you. I wasn't sure if she was kidding or not when she said you took part in the meeting. Usually she doesn't do that."

"Really? Huh, that's weird. Must have been an emergency to use an outsider. I'm sure she would have wanted you or someone else who she knows well to do it instead. It must have been annoying having me," Xin Tuyong joked light heartedly.

"Who knows?" Xin Tuyong's heart slightly twinged.

He left to clean another room, but Di Gaohun followed. Xin Tuyong furrowed his brow in confusion.

Usually Di Gaohun was off somewhere else and never had time for idle conversation. He was really acting differently today.

Di Gaohun didn't leave, forcing Xin Tuyong's imagination into overdrive. He suddenly felt guilty and began thinking that he was being scrutinized.

And he wasn't wrong, not really.

Except for the fact that Di Gaohun's scrutiny was not in suspicion of Xin Tuyong, but of Huan Mao.