I'm Sorry

Xin Tuyong was given the rest of the week off after the Huan Mao fiasco. It wasn't exactly a vacation either, as he was without pay and somehow had to manage his life.

He didn't see Di Gaohun or Huan Mao for the rest of the time either. By the weekend, the isolation became unbearable and he decided to try to make amends by explaining the situation.

Anyone would be mad to see their girlfriend with some random guy, so Di Gaohun must be jealous, right?

Xin Tuyong tore a page out of his notebook and wrote an explanation to Di Gaohun, beginning with an apology.

The letter was two pages long and written as neatly as Xin Tuyong could manage. He explained that Huan Mao collapsed and he was only trying to help, but he understood that he broke the rules in doing so.

He folded the letter and set it aside. All he could do now was wait.


The next week came and went, and while Xin Tuyong was back to working, Di Gaohun and Huan Mao were still nowhere to be found. Even his pay seemed to magically appear out of thin air.

An ominous feeling ate at him, and he could not figure out why. He could only hope for their return.

A month later, his wish was granted, as both walked through the door one afternoon. Xin Tuyong immediately went to his room to retrieve the letter, but it disappeared.

Did he accidently throw it out? He thought he had taken good care of it, but the minute he needed it, it was gone.

He drew a shaky breath and decided to apologize to both of them in person.

"There's no need to apologize as long as you understand what was wrong. I'm grateful that you helped me, but please call Di Gaohun next time. I don't want to trouble you," Huan Mao said. "No one is mad at you. You know that, right? We just had an emergency to take care of."

Xin Tuyong felt stupid. Of course his sins weren't bad enough to chase them away. It was just a coincidence.

"That's good to know. Thank you and I'm sorry." He bowed and returned to cleaning.

When Di Gaohun came to check his work, Xin Tuyong took that time to explain what had happened and apologize.

"I would never try to disrespect you or Huan Mao. I wish you two a happy future together."

Di Gaohun's mouth twitched. "What do you mean by that?"

"Huh? Exactly what I said. I wish you and Huan Mao a happy future."

"You keep saying 'you and Huan Mao.' You... she's not my girlfriend or anything. Did you think we were dating?"

Xin Tuyong felt his jaw drop. "You're not joking are you? You guys aren't dating? What about the time I saw you guys together downstairs? It looked like you were... um... very close."

Di Gaohun sighed. "Are you talking about the time she got her hair caught in a button on my shirt or the time she tried to make me carry her? She's always messing around like that and creating troubles. No, she's just a friend, but before that, she's my boss just as she is yours. I apologize for the misunderstanding."

"I'm sorry I misunderstood." Xin Tuyong laughed nervously. "I should have known. Sorry."