I'm With You

As Xin Tuyong rounded the corner to leave the kitchen, he saw Di Gaohun quietly sitting on a chair by the window. Upon seeing Xin Tuyong, he stood and patted his shoulder lightly.

As though he were speaking to himself, he quietly murmured, "I'm on your side. I was hoping she wouldn't take it this far, but I can't stop her. Come to me if you need help and I'll do what I can."

Xin Tuyong thanked him as Di Gaohun went outside and left him to stand alone in the house. He trusted Di Gaohun at the very least, even if he was intimidated by him.

The days passed without incident, as though the reality of his situation was a mere dream. But inevitably, the day came when Xin Tuyong had to participate in yet another 'special task,' as Huan Mao called it.

She was at the house more frequently, the only presense of unwavering force that brought Xin Tuyong unease.

He and Di Gaohun chatted more often and he learned more about him. He was an adopted cousin of Huan Mao's, sent to work for her because she was already making a name for herself in the underworld.

Her business transactions were always clean and quiet. Her influence grew from nothing to covering all of China and parts of other countries, rightfully earning her the name 'Queen.'

She could raise an army if she had to, and that level of power was what Di Gaohun was sent to observe. A wild card like her only came around once in a lifetime.

Despite her important position, she was frivolous with her earnings and had Di Gaohun manage her minor affairs as finances for her.

Xin Tuyong's newest job was to meet with the remaining members of the previous team to work with them as an unofficial member.

He went alone, and they carefully explained everything to him. This was a low-risk operation that was just a simple transaction with another business head.

They were going to receive money in exchange for the usage of a few rooms in a hotel ran by the Queen. They needed a temporary place to put their gambling business because it was displaced by a recent police bust.

All Xin Tuyong had to do was read over the contracts and sign if everything was correct. He was to act as the leader of the operation.

As they were getting ready to go, one of the newest recruits who seemed distrustful of Xin Tuyong joked, "How does it feel to be the Queen's b****? Moving up the ranks a little fast, aren't ya?"

"?" Xin Tuyong didn't know what to say. He wasn't there by choice and it's not like he was trying to be a superior. He laughed it off, not knowing what repercussions the recruit's careless words would have.

At the meeting, Xin Tuyong carefully read over the lengthy contract. It was multiple pages long and written in formal terms that made it difficult to understand.

It stated that Da Confeng would like permission to use four hotel suites to conduct personal business activities including, but not limited to gambling, weapons dealing, and pharmaceutical sales.

The group had only discussed gambling, so Xin Tuyong requested changes to the contract.

"We were informed beforehand that the deal would only allow for gambling. The "personal business activities" listed are nonspecific, so we would like to limit it to what we had agreed to in our prior discussion.

"Unfortunately, the sale of illegal substances create a risk of implicating the entire hotel if it is caught. There are many government officials in the area, so we ask that only gambling is involved in the rooms.

"If that does not work, we can meet during another session to discuss a compromise in a different location."

The stocky elderly man sitting across from Xin Tuyong smiled warmly.

He took the contracts and scribbled out the terms, changing it in pen. He handed them back to Xin Tuyong for review.

Xin Tuyong signed it and was given an envelope containing a cheque, signed by Da Confeng. After shaking hands, they parted.

"Thank you for your time, Mr. Da."

"Likewise, Mr. Xin. It's always a pleasure."