My Baby

By the time the group parted, they had been drinking for two hours. As the birthday person of honour, Xin Tuyong was responsible for the brunt of the drinks.

The others were lightly tipsy while Xin Tuyong was flushed with drunkenness and struggled with his balance. Huan Mao and Di Gaohun supported him as they walked to a shopping centre to watch a movie.

The trio sat together with Xin Tuyong in the middle of them, charged with the job of holding the popcorn in his lap.

Even though he felt like his head would fall from his shoulders, he did his best to stay awake for the movie.

His head bobbed back against his chair as he succumbed to his alcohol-induced nap, and he uncomfortably shifted from time to time, almost toppling the popcorn.

Huan Mao took the popcorn and set it beside her; she and Di Gaohun barely ate it anyway. She gently pressed his head against her shoulder as he dozed.

She took hold of his hand and held it, rubbing it absentmindedly as she watched the movie. Di Gaohun saw this and sneakily grabbed his other hand, holding it tightly.

He knew that Huan Mao saw him, but there was no way she would make a scene on Xin Tuyong's birthday. He took advantage of that.

It's not as though Xin Tuyong would know who was holding his hands.

When the movie ended, they were the last to exit the theatre. Di Gaohun lightly shook Xin Tuyong as the credits played, and by that time, he was beginning to sober up.

They went to a nearby restaurant and had a light dinner of birthday noodles. It was early in the evening when they went home, but Huan Mao still had more planned.

From the refrigerator, she pulled out the tray she brought in earlier in the day. There was a fruit cake and a container that neatly held rows of sliced peaches.

Her version of celebrating seemed to mix tradition with Western style. She lit candles on the cake and sang to him, with Di Gaohun quietly joining in.

Xin Tuyong felt awkward but also warm inside. It was the first time he had celebrated his birthday since he left home after graduating.

He was still suspicious of Huan Mao's intent and information source, but he couldn't help the happiness of being remembered. It was like having a family of his own.

He had been independent of his parents for many years, but even back then he was never close to them. They never called and he didn't want to bother them, so he assumed they were doing well.

His employer and coworker had become... his friends?

They ate their cake peacefully without speaking. The whole day had been full of conversation and there was nothing left to talk about.

What a coincidence that Huan Mao knew just what foods Xin Tuyong liked and who he was closest to in their business. He didn't want to admit it, but the day was truly one of the best.

It seemed that one by one, Huan Mao was climbing the walls to Xin Tuyong's heart.