This Is Not A Drill

"Yes. Uh-huh. Understood, thanks." Di Gaohun hung up his phone.

Why does Di Gaohun get to make calls and I don't? Xin Tuyong pouted as Di Gaohun turned to face them.

"Di Gaohun hasn't led hitmen to my front door," Huan Mao's bored voice resounded from next to him. "Or into my house while I'm sleeping."

Ah, speaking out loud again... "I'm sorry."

"Sorry won't unkill me if it happens again."

Xin Tuyong whispered in defeat, "Sorry."

Di Gaohun cleared his throat. "The safe house in X City has burned down an hour after we left."

Xin Tuyong's eyes sprang wide open. He looked to Huan Mao for a reaction. She was still calm and composed and always.

"Was the transfer successful before then?" she asked.

"Yes. The technology is being stored at an international warehouse and the files have been copied and burned."

"Oh, good." She turned towards Xin Tuyong. "Do you still believe in that friend of yours?"

Everyone was looking at Xin Tuyong and he could feel it. He wanted nothing more than to find a hole to lie down in — at this rate, Huan Mao might have the hole ready with a tombstone to match.

There was no refuting the fact that his friend had once again broken his trust. The house didn't burn itself down, and who else would be so quick to act other than Fan Qentian who just left?

Xin Tuyong put his head down and meekly responded, "No."

He felt like he could throw up. Betrayed twice in less than two weeks by one of his most trusted friends and continuing to bring misfortune to such high level people...

Xin Tuyong was drained. He stood from the table and was preparing to leave when he remembered that Huan Mao had the key to their- the room.

He turned to her, who was already watching him with eagle eyes. "Can I have the key to the room please?"

She seemed to consider something for a moment before shaking it off. She gave him the card. "Here."

He took it and met the disdainful eyes of Yun Bao. It felt like the expression in his eyes was significant, but Xin Tuyong couldn't figure what it was.

He shrugged off the feeling and headed upstairs to rest.


The sun was beginning to set when Xin Tuyong groggily woke up. An arm was strewn across his chest and he could easily guess who it belonged to.

He sat up in the bed, and a quiet groan sounded from beside him. Huan Mao stretched her whole body before opening her eyes.

"You're finally awake?"

"En," he responded. He stood up and his stomach growled loudly.

"We bought some fried rice if you want some. It's in the fridge. Just microwave it for a bit."

"Do you want me to get you some?"

"... I can get it for myself in a little while, thanks." She lazily stretched once more, then rested facedown in the blankets.

A minute later and she was up, sitting on a barstool beside Xin Tuyong who was eating a steaming bowl of rice.

Xin Tuyong put down his spoon and furrowed his eyebrows. "Hey, Huan Mao?"

"Yes?" Her head was resting on her arms on the counter, but her attention shifted to him.

"How is Yun Bao involved in everything?"

"Hmm... Yun Bao? Why do you want to know?"

"Can you just answer the question?"

"Fine, fine." She yawned. "What do I get for telling y-" Xin Tuyong grabbed her face and gave her a peck on her cheek. "About five years ago he worked as a cook for me when business was still small. Some things blew up when he was around and he swore his loyalty to our cause. Clean background and everything, kind man."

"You just accept people like that?" She stole a spoonful of rice and chewed thoughtfully.

"Obviously it wasn't that simple, but yeah. It was low risk back then and I'd known him for some time before. Why?"

"... He just... gives me a weird feeling. I don't know."

Huan Mao put her hands on either side of his face, forcing him to look her in the eyes. "And I don't?"

He blushed and broke eye contact as he finished the last of his food. "Guess not," he muttered.

He cleaned his dishes and cleaned himself up. Huan Mao hadn't moved from her spot at the counter until she lifted her head at the sound of him putting his shoes on.

"Where are you going?"

"Grocery shopping."

"Be careful. I'm going to bed." She stood and flopped lazily onto the mattress.

"Good night."

"What's so good about it?" came her muffled reply.