File 3: The Letter to Detectives

"Professor Agasa, what are you making today?" Chiharu asks, somehow in perfect Japanese. "Ah, Chiharu-kun, I am making some surprise invention for the kids!" The old professor says with a grin from ear to ear. "Do you know, Professor, that the inventions you made aren't that rubbish? They inspire my ideas to create different things as well." "Thanks!" "Your welcome."

The doorbell rings and professor runs to get the door. "Oh, Conan-kun and Ai-kun." the old professor says as Conan and Haibara walks into professor's house. "This is just boring in school!" Conan sighs as he collapses in the sofa, not noticing Chiharu. "Wow. Like it was only you who feel that way." Chiharu snickers. "A-Atsuko-chan! How are you-" "I was here before you guys. Shut up." That explains why Professor Agasa says 'Conan-kun' instead of 'Shinichi-kun', Conan thinks to himself. "How can you speak perfect Japanese and understand what I am saying?" "Oh, I got a new translator. It's from some friend of mine. She is quite a dead-inside type." "Well, I am impressed with that friend you've got," Conan says, then triggers the TV.

"...The letter has sent horror to both Osakan and Tokyo Police. Here is the content of the message of the mysterious writer to the detectives." The TV screen shows up the picture of the letter:

"Dear Detectives,

I am here to declare war with you puny detectives. I detest you, no matter what you are and where you are. There will be a series of death coming up, so be prepared.

There is always a Moriarty to a Sherlock Holmes."

On the down right-hand corner, there is a sign of a raven and a red dot of ink a layer under.

Haibara looks horrible. Pale as paper, her face turns blank. Conan's, too. Chiharu seems calm, though she already has an idea of who wrote that letter. "What does an Italian Mafia Organisation lefty ringleader has to do with detectives?" "Huh? Italian Mafia Ringleader? Lefty?" Conan asks, in a daze. "Good old grief, Conan-kun. Can't you see? There are light smudges on the paper and on the hand-written words pointing to the right, which means this person is a lefty. Also, I am not sure what the raven means, but the red dot is the Italian Mafias who hasn't got caught yet. I bet that this writer is a female because of the neat handwriting, and it matches the gender of the Italian Mafia leader, which is female. Why I say it is the Italian Mafia is not just because of the red dot, but also the handwriting as well. The beautiful Italian cursive script gives it away." Conan, awed by the deduction of Chiharu, stares at her. "What? Did I get anything wrong?" "Ah, I think that is perfectly reasonable to say that. I didn't even notice these little details. It is just quite shocking to see a girl this young can deduce that much." "Oh. I am flattered. It is my usual streak anyway." Chiharu smiles again.

Just after that, the doorbell rings. Chiharu says, "Oh, it seems like that is my cue to go home! See ya!"

"Oi, Haibara," Conan says after Chiharu left, "Do you think it's them?" "I...Think so..." Haibara says, unsure about her words. Conan asks, "Do you think Atsuko was a shrunken detective?" "I... Don't know for sure, but it seems like she has some skills more than you do."

"It seems that Japan is alert to that Mafia group," Sera says, walking Ran and Sonoko along the sidewalk, "Things like that are not good." "But I believe that we can kick their asses, no problem!" Sonoko says with a cheerful tone. "Sonoko..." Ran sighs hopelessly, just as they bump into Chiharu, Katsuki and Miku. "Oh! Hi, Ran-san, Sera-san and Sonoko-san. Didn't see you guys coming." "Ah, Ryoko-san! Who are those two brats?" Sonoko asks, fixing her eyes on Chiharu, "She looks just like that glasses brat. And that..." Katsuki death-glares with her piercing black eyes, "That girl is just creepy..." "I will take that as a compliment..." Katsuki glares Sonoko, "Sonoko-nee-san." "Katsuki...Sorry, Sonoko-nee-san, my friend is a bit...quiet but hates people say offensive things to her..." Chiharu says, hiding behind her hair slightly. "Well, Sera-san. I believe you have been wondering about the girl that I told you last time. Am I right?" Miku asks. Sera answers, "Hai (Yes). Is that silver-haired girl is the one you mentioned yesterday?" "Yeah, you want to introduce yourself?" "Sure..." Chiharu says bashfully, blushing slightly, "Watashi wa Chiharu Atsuko. Hajimemashite. (My name is Chiharu Atsuko. Nice to meet you.)" Well, that is convenient thought Sera. "Shouldn't you, too?" Miku turns to Katsuki. "Fine... Watashi wa Katsuki Shizuko. Yoroshiku. (My name is Katsuki Shizuko. Great to meet you.)" "There you go, these are the two girls I was talking about." "Not to offend, but," Ran says, "You really look like Conan-kun." "I know." Chiharu sighs. She knows it all too well. Everyone in the school talks about it. "Anyways, we are going to visit a person. We are in a hurry. Gome. (Sorry.)" Miku says, dragging the two girls and they run past the group of high schoolers. These three are quite unique, Sera thought to herself, I hope to see some fresh talent coming up from them.