File 7: The Murdered Wife, The Convicted Husband and The Truth (Part 2)

The detectives all run to the scene, leaving Chiharu, Saki and a frighten Minato behind. Chiharu calms Saki and Minato down while Sera, Hattori, Conan and Miku deduce the scene, "You know, Minato-san and Saki-niisan, you have nothing to worry because there are three detectives here at this scene."

"R-really?" Saki and Minato look at Chiharu's innocent face, thinking about how can she keep that face when looking at a corpse.

"Oh, I got used to it."

How did she know we are thinking about that?!

"My IQ and logical mind tell me what you are thinking."

"Th-That's creepy..." Saki manages.

"Judging by the corpse, it's still warm, so she just died recently," Hattori says.

"And the scratch marks determined she is strangled to death, and she was hanging from the bar on the roof," Sera says.

"Ah le le?" Conan exclaims.

S**t, why that. Miku mutters internally. She smiles creepily at Conan, purposefully scaring him not to let him make this cute, very annoying voice, "What've you got there?"

"Ah, fisher lines attached to the chair and a cleaning vacuum (The Robot Type)..." Conan looks at the creepy face Miku. It seems like the message is delivered quite well.

Several minutes later, the police arrived.

But by then, the case is solved half-way.

They all suspected the husband, Minato. Except there is no evidence. He isn't carrying anything with him, and there are no traces of anything nearby that could be used in the murder plan.

The thing is, the detectives have this plan in mind, which makes Minato somewhat innocent:

Using Fisher lines, attach one end to a leg of the chair and to that robot vacuum. Then several Fisher lines connect on that line. Then using movements of vacuum, the lines pull the body up through the gaps between the roof and the bars, strangling the victim to death, pulling the chair to lose its balance and fall.

The police heavily suspect Minato, but the young detectives start to doubt this decision.

What if...

"You're saying that your mother and father argued before?" Inspector Megure asks.

"Y-yeah... But my mother said that she wants to kill herself." Saki says with his shaky voice.

"Then... Suicide?"

"But no matter how it looks, it's a murder." Inspector sighs.

Okay, I can see why Kudo-niisan is that excited in solving cases. These people are dumb. Chiharu thinks.

Everyone except Miku sneezes. Miku didn't sneeze because of her intelligence is not to be insulted. She thinks she got there.

The solution to the case.

Now the three detectives are just going to be so mad at me because even I can solve it in one go... Miku sighs in her head.

"Okay, people. Heads up. I think you lot will get it once I say it." Miku starts, gesturing to the high school detectives.

"Uh-huh..." Conan says though he's thinking: Are we this dumb?

"Yes you are, I supposed," Chiharu says, suddenly beside Conan. This is why you should not be friends with people who are too smart.

Miku breaths, then say what she was thinking, "So... Um... I felt that the wife purposefully killed herself to blame it at her husband so that her husband can go to jail as a murderer. I think it's because of her hatred towards the husband, but I am not sure why...

"One of the evidence is the movement of the vacuum. It is a type of vacuum that pushes the obstacles away. If the victim uses the system, she can put different objects in the way to trail the vacuum to the correct line. Using the pulling force of the vacuum, it tugs the chair, and the victim with full force then bumps into different objects in the way, making the room messy, as seen in here." Miku points to the messy room, where a lot of objects fall on the floor, making the room look, indeed, messy. (A rare paragraph that I have written, like, a decent, thick paragraph...)

"I can see that," Sera remarks, "that works out, especially explains the drag marks of the chair leg."

"I see," Hattori and Conan say at the same time.

Chiharu smirks.

"Sir, I think it's case closed..." Chihara turns into the innocent, cute kid.

"Still, I heard them arguing something like 'It's too dangerous' or 'You really shouldn't do it!', and something like 'Why did you join this! Now you can't even leave them! They will kill you!' from my dad..." Saki talks to Sera and been over-heard by Chiharu.

"You really heard that?" Sera asks.

"Yeah, something about a group of people wearing black and in the name of alcohol and some mafia organisation with red roses..."

"Then it's good for them..." Chiharu mumbles, "I'm ringing Shizuko for this. For the explanation of the organisation connected: the red dot."


Yo! What's up! Hehe...

Sorry for the long delay... I can't think of a plot of murder-like suicide.

Still, I manage to finish this chapter! Eight Chapters to go!

Next chapter's preview:

Ran then receives a phone call.

"Hello?" she answers.

Miku and Chiharu, nor is everyone there knows nothing about what was said on the other side of the line, but then Ran collapses on the floor, with frightened eyes and tears flowing. She seems to be in a daze of shock.

"What happened, Ran-neechan?" Conan asks.

"Ran-san?" Sera asks.

What has happened to the Mouri Family?

Guys, I'm looking forward to this torturing, tragic, emotional chapter.

Thank you for reading, adding this book to your booklist and following me!

Silence as Deduction/Sweet Silent Death