Poem Rewrote

Okay so hear this out:

If you have Wattpad, search up Kudo_Snow_4869, and please check out this person's stories.

I shall now rewrite the poem that Kudo_Snow_4869 has written.

All Credits shall go to Kudo_Snow_4869.

Here is this Poem:


The snowflakes of white,

Of pureness,

Of Delight.

And yet it dies in his hands.

He once loved her,

Cared about her,

Helped her,

Protected her.

And then he lost her,

Failed her trust.

She fades away,

Just like the snowflakes,

Now a puddle of cold water,

Cold as ice,

Like her corpse.

The sky is blue,

Of joy,

Of wonder

Of hope.

And now it's cloudy,



Dropping silent, frozen tears.

The sky is mourning for him, too.

Uh... I hope you enjoy the first draft of this poem that I rewrote, I guess.

All credits go to Kudo_Snow_4869, this dude started it.

Silence as Deduction/Sweet Silent Death