Chapter Ten: Grim Welcome

Camo was in and out of consciousness for the remainder of the trip. She had grown feverish and the bite on her shoulder had gone from bad to worse.  Blood didn't flow as much as pus did,  and the shredded flesh was beginning to shrivel, as if burned. The intact skin on her arm was developing welts and she had turned pale.

The only sign she was still alive, was the intermediate groans that arose from her every once in a while.

Damien sat close by,  barely able to sit still. Every few minutes, he would move from his spot and next to Camo,  brushing her hair from her face and wiping some sweat from her forehead.

She was only in her bra and shorts,  for the sake of the bite and the amount she was sweating, both Damien and Camo's father agreed it was best for her to leave the shirt off. That didn't mean Damien was happy about it. He kept catching the men of the caravan staring at her, a hungry look in their eyes.

It was another reason Damien stayed close. To keep them away.

Reaching for her face again, Damien gently brushed his finger across Camo's cheek. It was hot,  extremely so.

"Sargent." Damien said,  glancing towards the spot Camo's father sat.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Camo's burning up. Its really bad, she needs a hospital now."

Grunting with his own effort,  Camo's dad moved next to his daughter, gently placeing his hand on her forehead.

"Damn it." He muttered. "How much longer, Dwane?"

The man who drove the lead carriage of the caravan looked back, glancing at Camo and grimacing when he saw her arm.

"Not much longer. The town is in sight... " The man called Dwane hesitated. "Pardon my words, Sir, but you have to understand, a bite from El Chupecabra is a very dangerous thing.  She may not survive."

Damien looked up at the man quickly,  glaring hard. Camo had been through hell,  she'd survive. She always did. She had to.

Taking her hand in his,  Damien kissed it then looked up to the sky. He wasn't the least bit religious, but he was willing to try anything. He had never seen Camo look so bad.

If anything, or, anyone is there... Save her life. She's been through too damn much to have her future taken away. I swear, I'll give anything.

Another groan from Camo. Damien's heart was in pain. She was hurting so much, and if nothing else, she'd loose her arm. It didn't even look like an arm, the color being off and how much blood she had lost.

"Hold tight,  Camo." Sargent Storm said,  petting her head as he moved away.

Looking out the open back,  Damien saw they had made it into town.

"Follow me, I'll bring you to the Doc." Dwane said.

Jumping down, Damien gently lifted Camo out of the carriage. The Sargent followed with the help of Dwane. The four made their way through the town, the residents staring as they walked.

Before long,  they stopped in front of a small, white building. It was built from wood, the paint chipping.

"This is the hospital?" Damien asked, worry in his voice.

Camo needed modern, sanitary medical attention. Not some half-assed old junk.

"Yessir. Our Doc is the best in town!  Don't worry none. Your little Lass will be in good hands!"

With that, Dwane entered the building. With a shrug, the Sargent followed his movements obviously pained. With a sigh and a glance around, Damien took Camo in, hoping they would be able to help her, despite the hopeless old fashioned look.