Chapter Sixteen: Niyol

The image of Jason and Monica's dead bodies were seared into Camo's mind, and she thought she heard them speak.

Awake  Jason said.

Rise  Monica said

Come back to the living, you are not dead, your spirit belongs within this realm. I command thee, as a Cein, Awaken!

The voices were not Monica or Jason, but Camo was listening. She wanted to know who it was, who was calling her away from them? Didn't they know she missed them, that she needed them?

"Rise, Child. You are alive." The voice said again.

Opening her eyes, Camo met the bright blue eyes of a very decorated and old Native. Their eyes sparkled as they touched her cheek.

"She has awoken." They said, not to her, although the eyes never left hers.

Everything felt surreal, her mind was still in the past, with her boyfriend and best friend, the two who made her happy. The two she lost because she wasn't a good enough leader.

"Camo! Thank God, Camo, you're alive!" A familiar voice said.

Someone took her hand, and she moved her head. Her eyes met green eyes, bright with tears.

"God you worried me, Camo." He said quietly.

Slowly, Camo forced a smile. It wasn't hard, it was her usual smile, always forced.

"As if I'd die, Damien. I need to keep your ass in check."

The smile that lit up his face was almost heart warming. Almost. Camo's heart still hurt from the memories she had been suppressing for the past year. She had lost everything then. Everyone.

"How are you feeling, Cam?" Damien asked.

Everyone except Damien. He had become her everything. She relied on him for her sanity. He was her only link to the past. To her happiness. Even if it was rare for her to be happy.

"Cam?" Camo asked. "When did you start calling me that?"

Damien began to blush, averting his eyes.

"Oh, uhm, I just thought..." Damien trailed off.

"Yes? You thought?" Camo encouraged.

"I... Dunno... " Damien said weakly.

Rolling her eyes, Camo went to sit up.

"No. Stay still and rest. Your soul must center." The decorated native said.

"What?" Camo asked.

"I got it from here, Grandmama." A native boy said, walking up. "What she means is that you nearly died. You need to rest."

"I agree. You need to rest." Damien said.

"But-" Camo began to argue.

"No." Both the Native boy and Damien said in unison.

Sighing and clearly annoyed, Camo stayed on her back.

"What now?" Camo asked. "I feel fine."

"Only because of the herbs you have. The pain would be killing you otherwise." The Native said.

"Just rest, Camo." Damien said, squeezing her hand.

"I'll get her more herbs." The Native said.

Damien nodded, looking away from Camo and to the boy.

"Okay. Thanks..." Damien began, then paused, not sure what to call the boy.

"Niyol. My name is Niyol." The Native boy said.

"Thanks Niyol." Camo croaked, now in obvious pain.

Niyol smiled at Camo sweetly, his eyes soft as they met hers.

"No problem."

Niyol walked off, out of the tent Camo just now realized they were in.

"Damien?" Camo asked after a moment.

"Yeah Camo?" Damien replied, looking away from the tent opening and to Camo.

"Where are we?" She asked, sitting up and looking around despite what Niyol had told her.

"At an Indian camp in some Canyons. The doctor's assistant, Chiliam, said only these guys could heal you." Damien explained.

"From what, exactly? Wasn't it just a bite?" Camo asked, pulling off the tunic she had been given.

She gritted her teeth with effort, but managed to pull her tunic off, with only some panting.

Her top was completely bare except for the wrappings around her shoulder.

Out of the corner of her eye, Camo saw a blush go across Damien's face and he turned his head away. Camo ignored his reaction for the most part, chuckling in her head, but only for a moment, before her heart grew heavy again. She had forgotten who's company she was in, how similar she felt for them both. Except Damien was here, with her, and Jason had been gone for a year now. Damien has only ever been her partner, Jason had been so much more.

Drawing herself from her thoughts, she looked at the bandages, going to unwrap them and check the bite.

"Uhm, yeah. It, uh, it was. Kinda. It was from what they call " The Devil of the Desert." Damien explained.

"That sounds lovely." Camo said sarcastically.